
Responses from faziod

Out of curiosity, where does everyone live?
Buffalo New York, now excuse me whilst I go and shovel 2 feet of snow. 
DAC to Amps bypassing preamp: Opinions please
I used my Dac Bolen Modified EAD DSP-9000 Pro with and without a preamp in the chain. Preamps used First Sound,Canary, Pass and just recently listed Superphon and in all the best sound has been Dac direct into amps. As others have suggested it is ... 
loud hum from power amp.
lift the ground on the amp by using a 3 prong to a 2 prong adapter plug. Any hardware store has them. If the hum goes away and I am sure it will, a search here on ground loop has valuable info. Good Luck. 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Elizabeth, I agree with you the CLC is hype but then again so is power cables and speaker wire. If they make an improvement one must have super ears to notice. My money is spent on epuipment upgrades such as better caps, power supply, resisters, d... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Gentlemen and Ladies - Its a clock it keeps time no voodoo involved. 
Best cd player for under $800.00
EastSound CD-E5 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Audioaril, I heard a improvement after those 8 buds, do I get $10,000? Oh hell I will settle for a chill pack. 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
OK, after following this thread for a couple of days I broke down and purchased the CLC to see for myself if it really works. Of course I used my wifes credit card for the purchase. So let me cut to the chase does it work???? Yes and no. I placed ... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
The sad part is some fool(s) are actually buying into this mystery clock. 
Determining polarity? and Modulus3A question also
I use the attenuators at the inputs of my mono amps. They do not degrade the sound. They do reduce the noise floor and increase low level detail. 
Determining polarity? and Modulus3A question also
Witch Dac for my system ?
On the cheap at $1200.00 the April Music DA 220 is a excellent unit. 
How much does your system weigh?
495 lbs, oops almost forgot 495.001 lbs including transport puck. 
Is it bad to stack your equipment
Elizabeth, I bought my pets sony walkmans. Color me cheap. 
what is the best deal you ever got on audiogon
6 month old Von Schweikert VR5s HSE $3200 delivered to my door. Still can't wipe the smile off my face on that one. Hell they even match the room decor.