
Responses from garfish

Music to die to
I could come up with some Cowboy Junkies music for this sort of task, but as of right now, I'd "go" with either Melissa Etheridge' "Precious Pain" or Silent Legacy"-- so I'm immature-- I intend to die immature. Another possibility would be a slide... 
technical explanation for cable direction?
A couple of years ago, A'Gon member Redkiwi stated that pretty much all wire is "directional" in audio, so prior to intstalling my ded. AC system, I decided to test that premise. I ran a 60 ft. 6 ga. stranded cable from my main breaker box to a su... 
Lower gain in left channel.
Jond; I've had the problem you describe for years, and it's why I always use a pre-amp with channel balance control. My left channel output volume is higher than the right channel, so I always have to dial in about 3-5 dB (biased to the right) of ... 
Abstract7 signing over…
So Long Abstract7, I've enjoyed many of your articulate posts. And welcome to Rives--- best wishes with your business venture. Cheers. Craig 
Oh where or where have all the buyers gone?
A small sample for sure, but I'm noticing the same thing on eBay too. I've been trying to sell some stuff there and bids are LOW or non-existant. Cheers? Craig 
How to clean RCA inputs and outputs?
I also use the RCA jack cleaner tool that, Scott mentions above, along with contact cleaner that I got from Sonic Frontiers-- both the cleaner and tool seem to work well. Good Luck. Craig 
Optimal Speaker Placement
Those look like pretty good set-up dimensions to me. If you would like a stronger stereo image but can't move your speakers closer together, you can at least experiment with toe-in-- that can have quite an affect on imaging, detail, coherence, and... 
Highly Polished wire????
Dan, Trelja-- gotta' agree, Trelja's posts are excellent. Thanks for sharing Joe. I only "clean" the exposed portion of wires if there is apparent oxidation/corrosion, and then only the ends making contact.As noted, I use 400 grit sandpaper or eme... 
I prefer good spades for their very positive connections, but have used bananas and bare wire with no apparent degrdation in sound quality-- at least on a short term basis. Bananas can be handy if you change equipment a lot. Cheers too. Craig 
What's better: RCA or XLR?
Joeb asked what was better RCA or XLR connectors. In high end audio, sound/music qualities are paramount, so that should be the primary consideration. No? Prior to purchase of ICs, I discussed this issue with a Synergistic Research Tech., and he s... 
Which comm. speaker mfgr. makes the best cabinet?
John_1 made a good case for R. Vandersteen's 2C/3A speakers. R. Vandersteen is a very innovative and practical guy, and I would also nominate the Vand. 5s. Why? Well, they have built-in subs that are freq. flat to about 22 HZ, they have internal 4... 
Tube/Solid State Bi-Amplification
The above posts are well stated. I would just add that Richard Vandersteen does not recommend "horizontal bi-amping" with his speakers. He claims that it is too difficult to properly integrate the bass with the upper frequencies. Vandersteen does ... 
What's better: RCA or XLR?
Sonically, I've compared mid-priced Syn. Res. RCA and XLR ICs and with 40" lengths I preferred the sound of the RCA. It's definitely one of those personal preference things though. With long IC runs (20-30 ft. or more) apparently XLR has some wort... 
Dedicated Power Lines - How to?
Rushton gives good advice, but briefly; dedicated AC lines are the foundation of a really good system. I had it done by an electrician 2 years ago for about $900. I had a sub-main installed on the outside of the house and 4 lines run from there to... 
Best CD player
I like the Levinson 39/390S, but right now it seems that the Aero Capitole is THE hot CD player-- haven't heard it myself. Great choice of speakers Jw;>)-- I use Syn. Res. spkr cables and ICs with mine. Cheers. Craig