
Responses from garn509

Modern day female jazz recommendations
I sampled many of the names contributed, and, "YAWN". All that's missing from these genre relaxed works is the murmer of conversations and the tinkling of glassware. What a rut ! Jazz does not stop at the Atlantic and Pacific, nor with the Mel Tor... 
The Great Vinyl Debate
Has anyone adjusted the prices mentioned for inflation compared to the sixties and seventies ? 
Three best audiophile CD/LP in your collection
Recently I discovered that Brazilian albums by female vocalists can give a system a good work out. The musicianship and arrangements are spectacular making for great ear candy and soundstaging. There is, of course, all the percussive "toys", and t... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
macrojack -- Then there is Bose which populates big box stores and drives on the road it has paved with it's carefully managed reputation. 
separated biwire posts?
Tpr -- Status Electronics XS 7E 
separated biwire posts?
6550c. I think so. I'd have to open up the cabinet to find out. Not! Too bad we can't post pictures here 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Why can't we all just get along ? Perhaps more would love audio if it were more affordable ? Who is going to take this seriously if they find out that a set of speakers or a component can cost more than a house ? Get NAD and Cambridge and B&W ... 
speaker types and biwire
srwooten,I guess you mean with the stock jumpers removed to see if the extra set of posts is a "dummy"? 
speaker types and biwire
speaker types and biwire
Between sixes and sevens here. My speakers are an obscure brand from a defunct company. Any way to tell what type of crossovers they have? 
speaker types and biwire
Between sixes and sevens here. My speakers are an obscure brand from a defunct company. Any way to tell what type of crossovers they have? 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
More would love audio if they could be convinced to give it a go. But, people have their priorities, and the art of music reproduction doesn't occur to many as worthwhile. 
Opinions please on a starter audiophile system?
Choose quality over simple power, and don't underpower for your listening space. 
The most important word of advise?
Shop where you can get a money back home trial period. 
How do I improve a room with a low ceiling?
I believe a low ceiling (9ft or less) is an advantage. Speaker drivers need to move air. More air to move means less effeciency, and a lower quality sound reaching the ears, while "half" the sound floats uselessly to cathedral heights. (Vertical d...