

Responses from jadem6

Dream State Audio power cables?
I bought an amp cord (Lucid Dream) when they were introduced. I also tested the pre-amp cord. Just a short time ago I tested the power conditioner cord too (Dream Catcher?) On my Plinius SA-102 amp the Lucid is perfect. Excellent deep tight bass. ... 
Cable Costs Relative to System
Here is another angle on how to consider power cords and why they affect our systems. Robert commented on thinking of the cable as a circuit, perhaps a different word for the same concept is a filter. I have a friend who first introduced this word... 
The wall behind me.
You for sure want an absorbent material, the better the performance the better your sound quality will be. The one aspect that is not controllable with panels is bass, and the closer your head is to the back wall the deeper the bass will be. It is... 
The Cost of Cables
Brian, I do hope to keep this discussion on track, so I will very briefly comment on the $$$ amounts in my analogy. I used the numbers as an illustration, not a formula. Your friend opened a restaurant and expected to recoup his cost over time. Fo... 
The Cost of Cables
This is a truly remarkable thread. I believe you all have done an excellent job evaluating what is without question a very profitable market.I want to make a few comments, both as a consumer of some of those very expensive cables, (Purist Dominus,... 
The Cost of Cables
Chrisla, I just want to compliment you for that very thoughtful, well written piece. This was an excellent read!jd 
DIY Interconnects review
I thought it was time for a quick update. I have continued to try testing various new materials and configurations including titanium, platinum, palladium, palladium/silver, rhodium and gold alloys. For the most part I have not been overly excited... 
What's under your Neuance platform
Jsawhitlock,I have tried different sized bubbles, I prefer the large because they tend to last longer. Actually once I solved the sagging MDF base shelf with aluminum, the large bubbles last well over a year. At some point the air will go out and ... 
What's under your Neuance platform
I have been using "Bubble Wrap" under mine for years. This has proven to better every other bearing for me. I use an aluminium shelf (MDF warped) that is supported by the racks upturned spikes. The Bubble Wrap sits on the aluminum shelf with the N... 
Are DIY Cables Worth It?
Hi Springowl,In answer to your question regarding purity, I have some experience to share. Over the last few months I have been testing some different wire purities and alloys. To my surprise I have not heard any significant difference between 99.... 
'Racks'. Important? Best bang for $$?
Before you pursue a rack system, it is important to determine what you want the rack to do. There are three distinctly different philosophies that must be understood and then you must decide which one you wish to pursue.The three philosophies all ... 
Why Palladium in cables, wiring, etc. . .?
I have been told by powers much smarter than I that for the best overall electrical performance, a palladium/silver alloy has proven through testing to be the best possible metal. These tests were conducted strictly on electrical characteristics o... 
Review: Dunlavy Audio Labs Dunlavy IVa crossover modification
Hello Owen,Do you think I'm a complete idiot? Step back and read, YES SIR, THE SPECS DO INDEED MATCH IDENTICALLY!!!Why the h&^$ would I post anything about the tweeter if not for teaching. I posted my experience so people could learn that desp... 
Playing Customs Games with Our Northern Neighbors
Shadorne, your comments on budget deficits and Chinese economics are excellent thoughts. I thought however for the record I should point out the US budget deficit is now at $8.7 Trillion dollars. I wish it was only one, our dollar would be much st... 
Off Topic: Any Photography Sites Like Audiogon?
www.photogon.com started by the same guys....