

Responses from jadem6

Review: Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-IVa
I have thought about that myself and decided not to just because I wanted flexibility. I have both the bass and treble/mid-range wires on the same post so i don't need to jump on the binding post side. I still hope someday to bi-wire again, that b... 
Xover parts quality,/sound difference?
Some day Sean, some day I will learn to ask you, Bob and Greg for your advise. I have never been real good at that. I am more apt to jump in with both feet tied to rocks and see if I can swim. It has served me well often, but I also have a few fla... 
Best object in your listening room.
My music room is a dedicated room, and it is also the place I keep my favorite items, most family hairlooms. My Grandfather (who was always a little kid at heart, like me) left me the machine gun from his WWII plane. He was Commander of Roosevelt ... 
Review: Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-IVa
I concur with that Tom. The resistors were the only change in my first phase for the bass, and yet the bass was cleaned up and the leading edge of notes were more focused. The great thing about the resistors is you can get Eagle MOX resistors for ... 
Xover parts quality,/sound difference?
I am just completing the process of upgrading my crossover in my Dunlavy IVa speakers. I intend to write a full review of the research I did, and how I chose which components to replace as well as the sonic results.As a quick summary Dunlavy used ... 
Review: Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-IVa
I have not quite completed my latest project of replacing the critical path capacitors, inductors and all of the resistors. I intend to write a full review including the process of establishing what components to use, as well as a hand drawn schem... 
DIY Interconnects review
Try cutting it back even further. I believe this is a large factor in the clarity these cables exhibit. I too would never have believed it without going through all the mock ups I did. 
DIY Interconnects review
I felt it was time to update my progress. I did try the 28 gauge gold wire. It was not appreciable better and as it turns out it was also unnecessary because the treble came back to be very smooth and silky natural sound after about 100 hours. At ... 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
So if I read all this right, the fuse replacement is more a sales ploy than a fact. The sound will improve by replacing the fuses at around six months, but this would be true in any situation because of corrosive buildup on the fuse and or the hol... 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
I have been following this and similar threads about which fuse is best, and most often feel I'm reading a re-run of power cables from five years ago. Of course fuses make a difference, as do other components we have not yet thought of. Both fuses... 
DIY Interconnects review
I have been working on a balance design. I use the original "tape" concept to put the two positives 3/4" apart. I then apply a second 2" tape with a 3/4" tape running down the middle, sticky to sticky. One strip of the sticky side is taped to the ... 
New Patricia Barber cd "Mythology"
I buy my music from CD Connection, an on-line music store that has a huge selection of domestic and imports always the cheapest prices. Often a single disk will have three, four or more different pressings. I tell you this because they are amazing... 
New Patricia Barber cd "Mythology"
This disk a a true celebration of the depth of Patricia's talent. Below is the copy on what instigated this music. A Guggenheim Fellowship, how heady is that? And to think, we knew her when..."In 2003, acclaimed singer-pianist Patricia Barber beca... 
Experience With Grover Cables?
Here is his email from a couple years ago. Grover Hoffman. shoffman2@socal.rr.com I would not get you expectations too high. I was not impressed with the two pair I bought. If you want, I could send them to you to hear. I think my friend who has t... 
Rolling Stones conceret lenght?
I do not know, but your question reminded me of a Stone's concert in '74 in Minneapolis. Stevie Wonder opened with a great show, he almost walked off the front of the stage as he moved from one instrument to the next (playing every instrument on t...