

Responses from jadem6

What happened to Dekay???
Michelin man, That is a reason I was wondering about her. I know her life went through some major turmoil and I wanted to see if I could help (given the fact I have gone from the very top of the mountain to Death Vally if you will.) Some of my per... 
What happened to Dekay???
I wrote poor Audio_girl. She was clearly confused by my email... Kelly, if you see the original Angela, please tell her I miss her and have been thinking about her. I'm always surprised to hear from you Kelly, it's interesting how you see these po... 
Equipment rack behind speakers: bad?
One more comment. If you do go between the speakers as it sounds like you are, be sure the equipment sits behind a line drawn between tweeters. If it does not, it will effect the sound-staging. The further back the better. 
Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ?????
Answer #1, the company is two years old and building a dealer network. Expense could be an issue, but they have five lines, so I doubt it's that.Answer #2, in my opinion yes, your missing something if you have not tried them.Answer #3, I hope not.... 
Equipment rack behind speakers: bad?
Nsgarch if right on. If the rack is in the corner the vibration issues increase two fold. In acoustics every point two planes meet the energy is doubles. This is why acoustic treatments start in the corner where the ceiling joins. The energy is tr... 
Cable Costs Relative to System
Duane, you make some excellent points. I have no way, nor a need to verify your claims, but you are right on the money with the comments that much of this is stumbled upon. I recently re-cabled my system with Kubala-Sosna cables saving a lot of mo... 
Cable Costs Relative to System
Chrfor, never say never. Some day you may be lucky enough to be enlightened, perhaps. It's interesting to me, when this thread was started it was full of people who spoke without knowledge, and argued for the sake of argument. During these past ye... 
Joan Baez - Do I just not get it?
Rja,I read this thread as a question Joan Baez-Do I just not get it?My response to Joan's existence as a singer needed to be put into context. Joan symbolizes the very essence of the '60's turmoil. Separating the two in my mind is not possible.I a... 
Tube Preamp Isolation
My experience has been a tube pre-amp is least effected by footer/isolation than any other component including my SS amp. I know that makes no sense, but it is my experience. Having said that I use Aurios Pro, Neuance shelves, bubble wrap, Apollo ... 
Joan Baez - Do I just not get it?
Nsgarch, MIT Architecture school? As a fellow Architect I am fully intimidated and completely humbled. That must have been quite a great experience!!!I then had to go look at your system, Now I feel jealous, I'm not enjoying this morning, we do ne... 
Joan Baez - Do I just not get it?
She was a messenger for a very troubled time. Equal rights, the assassination of Kennedy, Vietnam, riots in our cities and collage campuses created some very troubled youth who believed they could change the world. The messages from Dylan, Baez, G... 
Isoclean Fuse
Artistic, I agree I should not pass judgement until I hear them. Perhaps you would loan them out to me as a trial, if I see the improvement, I will buy them, or you will agree to take them back if I find no benifit. If you look at my system posts,... 
Dedicated Circuits/Isolated Grounds
Jaffeassc,That was a great question. First off, any good electrician will laugh you off the face of the earth if you suggest using anything greater than 12ga. The use of such heavy gauge wire for audio goes against everything they have learned. He... 
Isoclean Fuse
Might I suggest using silver contact paste like Walker SST rather than wasting you money on the slower and inferior gold. The fuse is not unique here, only the gold plating...Also keep in mind how many fuses you may have to protect you circuits. M... 
Dedicated Circuits/Isolated Grounds
Jaffeassc, your description of what you intend to do is the correct "common" grounding process. What others are talking about here is a totally separate grounding system separate of the main panel. If this is done incorrectly you can end up creati...