

Responses from jadem6

SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
Yes Dave, you’re correct. The PBS segment was filmed while I was at M.I.T. being studied. Those were fascinating days, we discovered so much about our bodies during the three years I spent in Boston. The most amazing thing we discovered has hardly... 
SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
I felt compelled to make one final entry into this thread. It’s time for me to come clean with my background in audio and how I came to be so knowledgeable about stereo systems. It started in 1962, I was in second grade and learning to play the fl... 
SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
Ritteri,I’m so embarrassed, I had no idea we were in the e-presence of such incredible greatness. Please except my ever so humble apology for my ignorance and obvious naivety regarding audio equipment and it’s proper use. Had I simply understood y... 
What's your favorite Patricia Barber album?
Modern Cool on SACD is great. Cafe Blue is a true audiophile classic, but I like Modren Cool and Verse better. 
SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
The latest issue of the Music Direct catalog has 15 pages (non-advertising) of SACD’s and four pages of DVD-A’s. They have 14 pages of “redbook” and 18 pages of vinyl. Of course this is not a reflection of what is available in all formats, but it ... 
SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
Ritteri,In the past, people at Audiogon who have argued their positions in the same way as you are here, have lost all credibility among the community. Your comments are very elementary in nature and for the most part hardly defendable. The simple... 
SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
Socrates I admire your review of the improvements SACD offer and find them to be acurate. However, I wish your jab at Ben had been left out. I've found over the past five years Ben to be consistant in his taste and his opinions. I believe there is... 
Review: Shunyata Research Hydra AC filter
Hi Ambrose, sorry it took me so long to comment. I've been working on my house and have not had the computer hooked up do to the dust.Before anything I'd try to find a solution to your hum problems. It may require an electrician to look at your ma... 
Dylan - The Greatest Remasters Ever
Hibbing is in northern Minnesots on the south west edge of the Mesabi iron range. If you have ever used U.S. steel, it came from the Hibbing area. Back during World War II the steel companies built huge ice arenas in every iron range town (about t... 
And we strive for..... what ?
I think we see proof that the recording industry is all about money and not quality. 95% of the mass market music sounds so over processed and electronic that I can not listen to it anyway. The small lables with "real" musicians are about high qua... 
Review: Plinius SA-102 power amp
Hi Timchen,No I would not say my system is bright or edgy in any way. In fact I've continued to "tune" it with footers to get every bit of treble avalible. The Plinius is very sensitive to footers, another factor to concider in reading reviews.I s... 
Review: Plinius SA-102 power amp
I do want to clarify two issues. First I'm using an active Placette pre-amp, not the passive model. This tends to add a great deal of punch. I'm also using two SA-102 amps bi-amped vertically. The issues discussed above are addressed very well wit... 
Walker Audio- High Definition Links- anyone
I've had them for the past three years on my Dunlavy IVa's. I love them, they do take layers! of hash away and allow better vision into the soundstage. I use two pairs, one on the bass and the other pair on the mid/treble. I have taken them off in... 
Recommendations for tube amp to replace Plinius
I have owned the Plinius SA-100 and now the SA-102. I have tried a number of tube amps but have felt the lack of dynamics and impact is too much loss. Please look up my review of the SA-102 here at Audiogon, I use it with a Placette active pre-amp... 
When does SACD make sense - my theory
I don't have $15,000 invested in my digitial, $2,500 for my SCD-1 and $2,500 for my modifications. $5,000 total. The same $5,000 would hardly begin to buy the phono pre-amp, table, arm and cartrige I'd need to justify my equipment. Even at $5,000 ...