
Responses from jebsmith73

Threshold Stasis 2...Worth a rebuild???
I owned a Stasis 2. Looking back after what I paid for the power amp used and the rebuild cost, I could have bought a much newer better sounding Pass labs power amp. 
12 inch Graham Phantom
Yes longer indeed, but just on one end. 
Purepower 2000 vs PS audio PPP
Had the PS Audio PPP. Now own and prefer Purepower 2000's. They solved all my poor quality A/C power problems. 
APS Pure Power A/C Regenerators
My 2000's sound smooth and sweet at the high frequencies, not zippy or anyway sharp. They respond very well to air isolation platforms and cone footers. Along with after market power cords. 
Is loud needle talk good or bad?
Just ordered a Vector IV tonearm by Basis Audio. We see how it does against the Phantom II on my Debut table. 
Is loud needle talk good or bad?
The cartridge is a Dynavector XV1S . Graham Phantom II tonearm, Basis Debut turntable. VTF is 1.85g , VTA slightly up in the rear. 
Graham Phantom II VS Vector 4 Tonearm
I listen to all kinds of music, I will find out more when the Vector 4 is up and running. Just heard the Vector 4 is a much better match for the Debut. Yes, we played with the different levels of damping fluid in the Graham. A little goes a long w... 
Graham Phantom II VS Vector 4 Tonearm
Dre_i,Started with a Phantom I , upgraded to the II. Very nice improvement. With my system NOT powered up, did a needle drop on a spun up record . You can hear the music and vocals coming from the tone arm over two feet away! A musical tonearm tha... 
Graham Phantom II VS Vector 4 Tonearm
Thor phono stage. Filled with Teflon tube sockets, film foil Teflon caps, total rewired with silver plated mill spec copper stranded wire, insulated with Teflon. All resistors replaced with low noise Vishay type. NextGen silver Wbts RCA connectors... 
Graham Phantom II VS Vector 4 Tonearm
OK, Right now my setup is: Basis Debut table with Graham Phantom II tonearm. Dynavector XV1s Cartridge, Tara Labs GX phono cable. The Vector 4 tonearm comes complete with is own phono cable (hardwired) system. Is the Vector tonearm cable in the sa... 
APS Pure Power A/C Regenerators
Barrelchief sent you a PM. I am running two 2000's one on each channel at only 28% power usage, my mono block amps and front end gear. Lots of power reserve for each channel. 
APS Pure Power A/C Regenerators
I purchased two APS Pure Power 2000's. Also I have two 20 amp dedicated AC power lines installed and used 10awg wire. The outlets are R1 Oyade's. The effect on the sound is quite spectacular. The quality of the incoming AC power is very bad and va... 
Pass Labs X250.5 or X350.5 ?
Owned both, X350.5 just sounds nicer. More fuller bodied sound. 
Additional armwand for Graham Phantom?
Some of the first Phantoms had poor side to side clearances in the arm wand connector. Phantom II's solved that problem. 
Transitioning from Tubes back to SS
How old are the 604 crossovers? Original caps? Upgraded caps in the crossover network might wake up your system.