
Responses from kettle7830

"upgrade" from Cary SLI 80 F1 edition
I agree with Trelja, try EL 34 power tubes. The Electro Harmonics EL34 is a great tube in that amp with a good top end, great mids, and really opens up the soundstage. You lose a bit of the bass slam, but make up for it with a wonderful full midra... 
driving Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations?
I was using a Cary SLI-80 to drive my Fidelios with great success. However when I upgraded to the Parsifal Encores the Cary sounded a bit thin and became very midrange heavy. I swithced to a BAT VK300x SE integrated and problem solved. In my exper... 
Wilson Audio- The rest of the story
A true test of a manufacturer is not when everything is going well, but how they react when something goes wrong. It looks like Wilson did what was needed, and turned an unhappy customer into a very satisfied customer. Maybe even more so then if n... 
CARDAS Fans: Golden vs. Neutral vs. Presence?
Saxo,How do you think the GR and GP speaker cables compare? I currently have GP speaker cables along with GR and Golden Cross interconnects. I was wondering what improvements would be realized going to the GR speaker cables. By the way I am in the... 
Need help with Cary sli-80
Did you check all 3 fuses in the back? There is a small fuse hidden in the base of the power cord connector. 
Audio Research LS-15 Infincaps
I had the LS15 with Infinicaps for several years and loved it. But with the right tubes it really took the unit to a whole different level. If you havent rolled some tubes I would add that to your list. Some of my favorite tubes were the Amprex BB... 
EL 34's in Cary SLI-80
I have the Cary and Sonatina combo, and enjoy the the EL34 sound. Besides for $45 a quad it is a fairly inexpensive experiment.Mark 
I have about 40 Baldwin 12au7 tubes I recovered from an old organ. I wanted the 5u4s and could not stand to let the rest go to waste. They are made in the USA, have green type and test very strong. If any of you would like to give them a try e-mai... 
Does Cary stack up to ARC
Well, I have had a Cary SLI-80 for about a week now. I have been going back and forth between the Cary and the ARC, it is like nite and day. Late at night with Chet Baker and the Cary. On Saturday morning with the Sub Dudes and the ARC. I have to ... 
Does Cary stack up to ARC
AudiotombI have tried many sets of tubes in the LS15. Currently I have 4 pre Bugle Boy Amprex in, they make a huge difference. As far as the amp, I think I am going to lock-tite the screws in. It had to go on a trip to ARC after an unfortunate tub...