
Responses from linnmaster

ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
Doug, definitely. I have the oppourtunity to try one out so I can determine if that's actually what's causing grief. If I get similar results with the ZYX pre pre, then it must be arm/table/cartridge mismatch. Right?Thanks heaps. 
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
I'm going to try the ZYX pre-pre and give it a shot ... thanks for all your help. I don't think this will be the end of my loading dilema ... back soon :) 
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
Hey, if I try (or get) the ZYX pre-preamp, do I need to worry about loading, or is that all sorted for me and matched to that of the UNIverse already? So I can plug that into the M7 phono stage yeah? If that's the case, would the pre-preamp suit t... 
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
Just tried the XV1s at loaded down to 9.04 ohms as per the UNIverse. It sounds really bad and closed in. Took off the resistors (open load of 125 ohms), and it's magic. For some random reason, the loading that I'm getting best results seems to be ... 
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
Hmmm .... very intereting.Doug: Thanks for your input. Yes, the value of 6.54 was your value that you told me about through private email sometime long ago. I was having problems with an XV1s on a LP12 - if you recall back that far.Audiofeil: List... 
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
Dan_ed:Yes, I had checked my calcs with John when I purchased the 1:20 Mu SUT's and he confirmed my calculations. And he confirmed that the loading is done on the secondary. I did not ask him specific about loading configurations for the UNIverse ... 
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
OK. I am TOTALLY confused with what's going on, and what's what.Bent MU SUT's ... the posts for loading using different resistors, is that on the primary or the secondary? I think it's the secondary.Load of phono stage is 50 Kohms. SUT's are 1:20.... 
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
Many thanks for all your prompt inputs.Sorry about not being clear in the first place. The load of 110 ohms or 125 ohms is the load that the cartridge sees. Putting the SUT on the phono will result in open load of 125 ohms. I load the SUT on the s... 
B&W DM6 speakers
I've now got mine on massive solid oak plinths with brass spikes. Really clears everything up and tightens the bass. Have also removed half of the internal wadding like glen did. I find that these speakers need a very high toe-in angle to sound go... 
Lenco motor voltage 220v conversion to 110v
I was in a similar situation ... you will run into speed problems since you are wanting to use the 50Hz motor with your 60Hz. There are two differnt motors, a 50Hz and a 60Hz, in which both can run 110V or 220V. Wiring method is the same as descib... 
Platter Upgrade for Garrard 301
Hi there. I have started down my 301 path as well, and have got a platter made of forged copper. Machined to the same dimensions as the original. Not sure how it sounds though as I don't have it running ... using a L75 in massive plinth in the mea... 
Cary CAD-300SE Signature Mono Amps, upgrade
Anyone familiar with the circuit of the CAD-300SE (or have access to a schematic) and know which caps are the important ones to upgrade? 
Coupling caps, upgrade, similar values
Thanks for all the support.I believe the cap is an output coupling cap as one end of it connected to the volume control.I don't plan on re-engineering the circuit, and would like to keep it to the same value ... but some "really good" caps aren't ... 
Cary CAD-300SE Signature Mono Amps, upgrade
Thanks for your input Brf.That's interesting ... M-cap supremes are very highly praised and I've been told that M-Cap supremes are the best as the silver ones sound "silvery" ... whatever that means ...Were the V-caps well burned-in in your friend... 
Coupling caps, upgrade, similar values
thanks for your response Magnumpi205Would 5.5 to 3.3 be too far and end up changing the voice of the preamp? I think currently the cap in there is a MIT 5.0.