
Responses from marktomaras

MQA through Toslink
Can you tell us more about your implementation? Why Toslink? What is the digital source? What is the amplification?  If I have a full picture, I can be of more help :-) 
MQA through Toslink
That may be a tall order. I checked a couple of low budget DACs  that do MQA, but they don’t have a toslink connector. Of course there may be one, but the $400 budget will limit your selection. You may consider something like the meridian explorer... 
Speaker Cable Upgrade... Advice Please
Thank you everyone.  This has been very useful! 
Speaker Cable Upgrade... Advice Please
Here's a crazy question... Might a power cable have more effect on the brightness than the speaker cables? 
Speaker Cable Upgrade... Advice Please
its true, I am accustomed to the tube sound, and it’s true, the Devialet is a bit brighter than the ARC gear I had.  There are a few reasons for the switch.  I am moving to Europe so I will be in the land of 240v power, and will be down sizing hom... 
I think I paid $75. I called Wilson directly 
The grills and adhesive deteriorate over time.  My mother in law has a pair of cubs. I noticed the grills were looking old and tired, so I ordered a new set from Wilson. Cheap price, installed nicely. 
Recommendations for Windows software to go with a Ayre QB-9 DAC
Absolutely, hands down, Roon is the software to use.  Nothing else comes close to the user experience, feature set, Tidal integration, and support by the hardware manufacturers (including Ayre).  
CD player with USB and Coaxial out - does such a thing exist?
I used a Musical Fidelity V-Link in my system for a while.  They can be had used for $75.  They had a version II that has a higher bit rate for a bit more cash.As for CD players, the ones that have a USB input will allow you to use the built in DA... 
Suggestions from all you wise ones
Hello Golden - I don't live in the area, so I can't offer a convenient listening session, but I would be happy to lend any advice that I can.  If you fancy a visit to Miami, let me know!If you feel that you are missing out on your music passion, i... 
UK to US step up/down voltage converter
Can you clarify what you are trying to do?  Are you trying to run a 240v device on 110v electricity?  What type of device is it?  What do you mean by "aftermarket female line cord"? 
How can I connect bananas to Wilson speakers?
CZarivey is being a wee bit sarcastic it seems.  I think he is suggesting that I am not too bright, or obsessing over an insignificant thing.  That's ok, I can take it!  That's pretty tame.  Water off a duck's back!  Though I would prefer real sug... 
Good music/audio stores in Memphis, Nashville, Florida panhandle, Central FL
There is a man named Eric Lang of Wired Technology Group. They do more than just hifi, and are into theater and smart home primary. However, I bought a pair of Wilson speakers from his shop in Orlando. I believe Eric may have opened a second shop,... 
Is it worth it?
seems to me that the VTL mono block is a better amplifier!  Once I listened to my speakers (Rockport Mira Monitors at the time) through my audio research amp & preamp, and then listened to a similarly priced Pass Labs amp and pre.  They both p... 
Bluesound Node 2 - Next level up
if you like Roon, which is really great, you can get a Roon ROCK core device that will feed a DAC with a digital stream.  You can also tap into hard drive based digital files should you decide to.  Cost for an Intel Nuc to run Roon ROCK is about $...