
Responses from markxiii

Verity Fidelio, Alon Lotus Elite & Merlin VSM-M?
I haven't heard the Alons, but I spent plenty of time with both the Fidelios and the Merlins so I know what they are capable of. Both speakers are exceptional and if your room is not very large, you would be hard pressed to find anything better at... 
Speaker Recommendation for Tube Fan
Verity Audio Fidelios should mate with your system beautifully. They are known for their excellent imaging capabilities and very pure and natural midrange compared to the best electrostatics. 
Valhalla vs. HMS vs Jena Labs vs. Shunyata Phoeni
I had a brief session with the Valhallas and HMS Grand Finale (Revel Salons driven by ML monos) and I preferred the HMS by a small margin. They seemed to be as fast as the Nordost but had sort of more organic and polite character. Not a huge diffe... 
Speakers that sing
You didn't mention anything about your room, but if it happens to be fairly small or medium sized then I would highly recommend Verity Audio Fidelio. They have absolutely stunning midrange with suberb transparency and refinement. Vocals sound very... 
Best speakers for low power tube amp
I don't know your budget, but if you're looking for something under $3K then I would highly recommend either Galante Rhapsody (96dB) or Reference de DeCapo i (92bB). Both are extremely easy to drive and 18 watts should be more than enough. Both ar... 
Super Tweeters
I have the ST-50 made by Tannoy and couldn't live without them. Depending on the frequency setting you choose, they can add a little sparkle to the highest treble, but no matter what cut-off point is chosen, the whole presentation becomes more liq... 
REL Subs: have you changed the stock cables?
I have the XLO Neutrik cable on my Storm III and it took the bass another step up in quality: it sounds even faster and tighter. I'm using Synergistic Research Master Coupler as a PC. 
Walker Audio- High Definition Links- anyone
I like them a lot. The improvements they bring are subtle but well worth the expence. They seem to clean up treble, reducing any "hash" and harshness but without softening the presentation. 
SUPER TWEETERS-anybody heard them?
I also have a pair of the Tannoy supertweets and like them a lot: the soundstage became deeper, everything sounds smoother and cleaner. They definately help. 
Galante Audio Rhapsody or Symphony...heard them?
I have the Rhapsody and they are heavenly with Cary 300B Signatures. I had Reference 3A de Capos and didn’t find them nearly as musically satisfying as the Galantes. The Rhapsodies have a yummy midrange, phenomenal soundstaging and the overall sou... 
ARC VT-100MKII to MKIII, upgrade worth the cost?
Based on my experience, the Mk II version is actually fuller and more fleshed out then Mk III. To me Mk III was simply too dry and cold. The differences are subtle and I could easily live with any of them, but if I had to chose, I would go for Mk ... 
ARC VT-100MKII to MKIII, upgrade worth the cost?
I would leave it as MkII. I did some extensive comparisons between Mk II and III and actally liked the Mk II better. In my opinion the Mk II version is simply more musical with fuller, more palpable midrange. The Mk III seems dryier, brighter and ... 
New MIT VS previuos one
The 850 CVT Reference is an excellent cable. I would stick with it. I had a chance to compare it with the V2 and thought they sounded very, very similar: the same huge soundstage, fast attack and lot's of smooth detail. 
A new ploy for fraud?
Someone tried to scam me the same way a few days back, also on another audio website. Most likely the same guy - says he's from England, but he's really from Nigeria. He and his group have tried (in some cases successfully) to scam people on other... 
Cary sound?
Cary sound? Liquid, immediate, delicate, involving, holographic, with best female vovals I've ever heard. Macrodymamics could be a little better, but than again, it's not a monster solid state Krell... As far as the tube life goes, the KR 300B in ...