
Responses from maxnewid

Songs With Best Ending
Having watched "Woodstock" on VH1 this week, the ending chords of Hendrix's "Star Spangled Banner" are pretty distinctive and memorable for an entire generation. 
Why does most new music suck?
With artists like Kanye West becoming the self-proclaimed "voice of a generation", I would look to earlier more creative times for inspiration if I were a member of today's younger generation. The interesting part of this thread to me is not the l... 
Songs With Best Ending
Agree with "A Day in the Life" Here are a few other off the run suggestions:Rain Parade- No Easy Way DownYes- Gates of DeleriumDixie Dregs- Cruise ControlPearl Jam- Yellow LedbetterSRV- Voodoo Chile/slight return (live version) 
Johnny Clegg
Johnny Clegg is South African. His music includes interesting harmonies and rhythms. His lyrics are often about Zulu tribal history and the complexities of South African society. I am particularly fond of "Impi" which is about the Zulu/British bat... 
Johnny Clegg
Love Johnny Clegg and Jaluka- really original and good fun. 
Top 10 Alt-country bands
The recommendations keep coming. As I mentioned before, this genre is pretty broad. I really like the new disc from the Tim Lee 3- Devil's Rope. Tim Lee is 1/2 of the 80's band the Windbreakers. The Tim Lee 3 is Tim, his wife Susan, and a drummer.... 
New shipping charges at Amazon
Could be in anticipation of the internet transaction tax being discussed by the rocket scientists in Washington. A new Federal internet tax would definitely affect Amazon and most of the small retailers out there.. 
Top 10 Alt-country bands
Thanks for all the responses. There are some great referrals in here. I think that this genre is hard to accurately define. I really enjoy old Marshall Tucker. Jolene and Jupiter Coyote are also excellent bands from the 90's. Chuck Prophet and Gre... 
Best Place to order cd`s
I have had success with off the run independent bands at CDbaby. Also, I have ordered from Amazon UK before. Sometimes EU releases are earlier than the U.S.and you can pick up used EU cd's cheaper than the U.S editions. 
Help me discover some new music...
There are some excellent ideas on this thread. As an avid music collector, I am the twisted individual who gave away 8 record crates of albums when I moved to NY to pursue a career only to replace the collection with cds as technology changed. I s... 
Best Acoustic Guitar Players Of All Time?
Nice list. I agree with you on Michael Hedges. One of the best concert experiences I have ever had was watching Hedges play "Low Spark of High Heeled Boys" on the guitar. I would add Harry Manx to the top 5 on your list. He does some phenomenal th... 
Best CONCERTS of 2012?
@Marty,I have been a Ryan Adams fan for a long time and heard that he had lost most of his hearing suffering from both tinnitus and inner ear issues that prevent him from playing electric anymore. Did he mention any of this? 
Off the beaten track music you love
Sipho Mabuse "Chant of the Marching" South African sax player who combines African tribal dance rythym with Western instrumentation. Fun to dance to. Johnny Clegg and Jaluka is another guilty pleasure in the same vein. i also am a huge Danny Gatto... 
Heads Up for EELS fans
thanks for the post. I have always admired the Eels originality. I have a treat coming up on Jan. 19 here in Atlanta. The Rain Parade is playing a benefit show for Bobby Sutliff from the Windbreakers. Sutliff was in a serious car wreck this Summer... 
Favorite CD treatments?
Silly, but works. Clean your discs with dryer sheets. I have revived beat up goodwill $1 discs with this method.