
Responses from mofojo

I guess I have to sell my Tekton Enzos
Gnason I had the Studio 100 version 2s, S4 v.1, S4 v.2, and S2 v.3. Coming from the Studio 100 I think you would be more than pleased with the DIs. not even close.  
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
Mine was removed as well. Kid gloves people.  
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
213, that was really clever how you engaged about the bose patent and acted like you were interested in it so you could compare it to Tekton. sneaky sneaky. Hahahahahhahha 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
Why don't you look it up and you can tell us all about it? 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
213,I am not at all surprised that you did not respond to csm's well written logical post.  
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
213runnin,uhh yeah you were directing it directly at csmgolf.  Did you read your own post? I get the feeling you have never been wrong! Must be a wonderful feeling being so enlightened. For you to spend so much time on Tekton threads runnin your m... 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
csmgolf was only pointing out that your rainmakers measure worse than the Enzo which is not even the speaker being discussed here.Totem's specs state +/- 3 db which is not even close to what Stereophile measured. I don't really see that as over th... 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
Tektons are like a box of chocolates.. until you try them you never know what ure gonna get. 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
Stupid is as stupid does .. does anybody have a box of chocolates??? Jenaaae.  
Tekton Double Impacts
Anybody using a tube based system using 211 tubes with the DIs?  
Hegel vs Rogue
I had the Sphinx V.1 for a short while and was not a big fan. Sounded 2 dimensional and kinda weak on my system. I think the preamp section is pretty good though. I hooked up my old Odyssey amp to the preout and it sounded damn good.Always wanted ... 
Please Critique my Setup and Recommend Upgrade(s)
I heard the ATC SCM19 v.2 recently at an owners home. If I was looking for a smaller 2 way they would definitely be on my short list. Clean powerful detailed and musical. Just bring the power they are not efficient. Not sure how they would pair wi... 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
213, Ok this is the last time I'll respond. Your latest post looks like you are trying to say you are being bullied for giving opinions on the speakers. Here are excerpts from a few of your posts... Need a hanky? "A noisy square box with low b... 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
213,It's not the fact that you are criticizing them. It's the fact you are beating on them like they owe you money and you have never heard them or any other Tekton for that matter.I am however getting somewhat of a kick from seeing what is gonna ...