
Responses from nuno_barbosa

Which entry level phono stage, Graham Slee or Pro-
HiI never tried the ones you mention but both are great choices as an entry level. I have a Project phono box SE and I really like it.The tube box can be "improved" by tube rolling, it may be more versatile. I´m afraid I can´t say much more 
Nakamichi cassette playback in non-Nak deck?
I own a Cassete Deck 2 and yes I still record tapes to listen in my car and the quality is very inferior. In the nak at home is fine but I've tried in other home decks with same poor results. In the car the issue is mainly due to the input/output ... 
If $ was no object what speaker would you buy?
I don't know, I would have to listen to a large number first. I could say the x model or the y model but being in a situation where money was no objection then the options would REALLY be wide open and my answer would propably be different. 
What SS Int Amp to match with Sonus Faber?
I'm using the Pathos Classic one (70W) with Sonus Faber Amator 2 and it's great. Never felt underpower but I don't really listen very loud. The Pathos Logos with 110W would also be a good match , I assume. 
copland old or pioneer new
Never heard any of those players but would say, with very little doubt, that for cd the Copland should be the best player. If you want to also play dvd and sacd then the pioneer, of course. 
Mark Levinson 390S
If your system is now 390s > 38 > 332 just remove the 38 and listen. 
Norah Jones?
Her music is lovely and pleasent, I really like it, but I found her to be pretty emotionless. Her live DVD is very boring, the songs are great but the delivery and singing is very dull. Have you seen her in interviews, the same applies...The excep... 
international buyer,
Please don't just say DON'T sell overseas. Don't tell me there's only honest people in the US...For example, for extra protection with Paypal wait for money to be deposited in your bank account before shipping. Bank transfer is also safe, you just... 
Down-graded and happy?
Just check my system, now using Pathos Classic integrated and VERY happy. If my building was better acousticaly isolated I would pursue separate pre/power as before but I found out how great an integrated can be. In my situation it's actually better. 
Revel studio + voice Best amps Bryston or Proceed
You should find a lot of information regarding your question in previous threads. A lot of people use Mark Levinson amps to drive Revel's speakers. That's as much help as I can give you. 
Why so much????
I would have a lot more if it wasn't for this endless pit that's high-end. As others have said, there's no limit to curiosity. The more things I find, the more I think "maybe there's still something else..."The "mistakes" done are easily "sold" on... 
van morrison's best sounding album?
Any recommendation above is perfect. And it's great to find out all this other Van's inconditional fans around Audiogon. Van, keep those records coming!! 
ARC LS22 to CJ 16ls significant upgrade?
Maybe the most significant upgrade for you would be a new cd player. There's lot of very good, under $1000, players. Your system will never be showing it's full capabilities(or close to it) with you CDP. Maybe you should care a little bit about it. 
Seeking Speaker Suggestions for Cary 805c
If you already narrow your coices great but you didn't mention Sonus Faber. How about used Sonus Faber Amator 2? Or the new Cremona? You don't mention your room size but I think the Cary will driven any of those pretty well in a small to medium si... 
Warmest solid-state integrated for under $2k
Other sugestion, Pathos Classic One. Well in your budget.Tube preamp section, ss amp.