
Responses from parrotbee

Turntable and Rack vibration control
Coming back 'on thread' so to speak - check out what EMT do with their decks. They have suspension tuned in the horizontal plane - I understand it is very effective, but there is a wholesale approach approach as opposed to a widget here and there.... 
Turntable and Rack vibration control
Stylus drag is more audible to some than others - I am very timing sensitive. I have a low torque high mass deck, a high torque belt drive, an idler and some DD's. The low torque deck sounds great, but when it comes to busy passages it is audible ... 
Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?
I guess in terms of sound quality - gains will be marginal, but the means with which to deliver the results will keep developing - Class D and Class T amps being two such examples. My opinion is that with 'improved' technology logic will dictate a... 
Info Wanted on Spectral Cartridges
I think they were were made by Benz. That will mean that they are gonna be very well made. There's a guy at Expert Stylus in the UK who refurb cartridges - he knows a lot about Benz Micro cartridges 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Useless Post Service managed to also damage the lower metal cage too. So:1. Broken headshell (not a big deal)2. scraping bearing sound when I rotate the platter3. lights go on - but platter won't spin4. damaged lower plate (may explain bearing/mot... 
Helius tonearm users, what have you upgraded to?
There's articles in both HiFi World, and also an article in the Absolute Sound that places it above many well known arms like the SME's and Grahams. It does not have VTA adjustment on the fly. I've ordered one with silicon nitride bearings, and ad... 
Designer Hall of Fame
The original Lavardin designer who died in a car accident - the original IT that I had (which went kapput) sounded better than the upgraded version. His papers on memory distortion are fascinating. It's a tragedy that he died before he designed an... 
Hi Lewm - I think I have found the 'unobtanium' company. Trust me it was a flipping pain in the backside to find them - I felt like a stalker tracking posts by John Curl on another site. I spoke to a chap called Ben Jalopy - a pretty decent guy wh... 
Hi LewmYou have read entirely correctly:- I lost signal entirely when I went back.I opened the amp up - no burning smells - not sure about loose wiresI am confused due to having heard something from the right channel initially.Spoke to a guy calle... 
SP10mk2: OMA Graphite plinth vs.Dobbins plinth
Dear ChaksterAre you in a rush to get a plinth? I am developing a very interesting plinth for my Sony TTS8000 - I am convinced that it will be transferable to the SP10.I don't want to give you too much detail save to say that it's not all about ma... 
How important is a good rack?
Makes a world of difference - especially with vinyl. I have a Townshend Seismic Stand - they are brilliant. 
Where to improve phono chain?
How much are you spending Shaq? What is it that you want from your front end - more musical sound - or is it higher resolution.If it's being more 'musical' then consider an EAR 834P for instance (good value and very musical)I am told the Rowland i... 
High End cartridges and the built quality
Not being funny but if you are unhappy why not send it to John Carr. He's a good guy and will not want an unhappy customer, and as a matter of pride I'm sure he will rectify the problem 
High End cartridges and the built quality
Very interesting thread. I recall meeting Dr Feickert and he told me that Ortofon are in fact the most consistent cartridge - perhaps due to the fact they are one of the bigger manufacturers.