
Responses from pgtaylor

Screw-down reflex clamps vs. record weights
Many thanks, Peterayer, for your interesting post. It does not surprise me that playing records on the SME without some form of clamping gave a less satisfactory result than using the standard reflex clamp. This is also my finding. And of course i... 
Screw-down reflex clamps vs. record weights
Peterayer - interesting hypothesis of yours that when people report an improvement on changing from a screw-down clamp to a record weight (of the type we are discussing) this may actually be due to some sort of 'decoupling effect', i.e. the record... 
Screw-down reflex clamps vs. record weights
Thanks, Dover, for the “complete lack of understanding of clamps/weights”. If you reread the sentence that you quote in its context, you will realise that I am making a distinction between ‘clamps’ (= devices that grip the spindle either by screwi... 
Screw-down reflex clamps vs. record weights
Thanks for all the contributions so far. I have to specific points which may help to concentrate the discussion.When you replace a screw-down reflex clamp with a record weight, you are giving up a clamping system that specifically seeks to take ad... 
Using the VPI threaded clamp and azimuth change
I don't have a VPI but I do use a washer and threaded clamp - on the SME 30. When the LP is clamped in place it is perfectly flat. The washer is metal.Incidentally, we are seeing more and more record weights on the market that do not give priority... 
SME V rewire
The wire that Gundam91 is thinking of is now called Kondo. It is distributed in the UK by Definitive Audio, who will sell you a new SME arm that has been wired internally with it. It is an extremely good internal cable (better than the stock cable... 
Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment
The bearings are now the same (i.e. ABEC7) on all the Series V-derived models (= Series IV, 309 etc)and have been for a couple of years now. You can hear this direct 'from the horse' mouth' if you look at a series of videos about SME on Youtube.He... 
Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment
Thanks a lot, Dertonarm & Thom MackrisIt seems to me that what one really needs to align the SME V is: (i) some device for measuring the actual effective length once you have mounted the cartridge of your choice (this device needs to be very a... 
Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment
Tom Mackris.Of course you are right when you say that the extra stylus tip-mounting holes distance cannot simply added to the manufacturer's stated effective length for the tonearm. In fact I was aware of that. What I was trying to illustrate was ... 
Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment
Hello Dertonarm,I would be very interested to hear what you have to say about using the Uni-Protractor with tonearms that do not allow the cartridge to be moved backwards and forwards in the headshell, like the Schroder and the SME V, IV etc.This ... 
Sme arm "Bridge Removal"
Dear Neil, I suppose that 'loading the bearings' is the same thing that Dertonarm refers to as 'pre-tension of the bearings' in the following (which,incidentally, is the explanation that convinced me to go ahead with the application of damping): "... 
Sme arm "Bridge Removal"
I have had an SME V in my system for numerous years now. I have modified it in the following ways:1. changed external wiring first to Cardus and then to Siltech Avondale;2. changed internal wiring first to Van den Hul MCS 150, and then to Kondo;3.... 
Correcting drifting with Sutherland Timeline
If this device is as accurate as we are being told, I suspect that in many cases we are going to discover that our motor controllers (even the signature and reference versions that we paid a lot of money for!) are simply not up to the task of sett... 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
Thanks, Dertonarm, for the tip about the blue tack. I will definitely try this, but first I need to find a version of this product that is not black, not blue!Best wishes, 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
Hello Dertonarm,I was intrigued by what you wrote above in regard to the SME V:"The impression that many audiophile experienced with the SME V ( kind of dull, life-less sound with an over-prominent upper bass ) has to do with its very design and a...