
Responses from pmboyd

Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
I agree about undertaking an home audition of the omnis. I asked John S. at Ohm about hearing them in Seattle but he said he couldn't help me there. If there's anyone in Seattle with omnis following this thread, I'd be grateful for an audition! 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
BTQ, Mapman, my preamp and dac are also TAD. 1950's pinched waist Philips tubes. CD transport is CEC, cabling is a combination of Synergistic R, A Zen, and Tube Research Labs. 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
Thanks for the heads-up, Mapman. I noticed they were having a sale, I talked to John S. yesterday. At this point it boils down to making a choice and hoping for the best. Free home trials are great -- Fritz and Ohm offer them, Merlin doesn't -- bu... 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
Clio09, Why do you say that? Are you familiar with my amp? 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
Tube Audio Design (Paul Grzybek): 170 watts/8 ohms, high current... 
Who stay with Merlin longest time
I'll definitely be following this thread since I'm considering buying the TSM-MMIs! 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
I purposely kept my question general in order to let let real world considerations bump up against the hypothetical. Of course "all other things being equal" doesn't exist -- except in any one particular system -- but interesting and useful inform... 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
PS. I'm referring to the matter of efficiency in my other thread... 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
I purposely kept my question general in order to let let real world considerations bump up against the hypothetical. Of course "all other things being equal" doesn't exist -- except in any one particular system -- but interesting and useful inform... 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
It's been suggested to me that, all other things being equal, more efficient speakers are better speakers -- more micro detail. I started a thread on efficiency... 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
My amps are ss monoblocks, 170 watts/8 ohms. Preamp and DAC are tubed. 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
Are any of the various suggestions noted for their efficiency? 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
The Merlin TSM MMI and Fritz Carbon 7 are monitors, the Ohm floostanding. 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
I've narrowed my choices to Merlin MMI, Ohm Walsh 3000, and Fritz Carbon 7. Anyone done a heads-up with all of these or care to input on comparisons?