
Responses from pmboyd

Merlin TSM comparisons
The Cardas Clear and Supra Swords are decidedly not in a similar price range -- Clear are 4x the cost! But I was asking how sonically the Swords compare to the 6s, cost not relevant for the sake of discussion. 
Merlin TSM comparisons
How do the Supra Sword speaker cables compare to the Classic 6? 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
Unison Research Sinfonia? 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
38 watts is ultralinear spec for the Primaluna Dialogue Two. Mastersound is 20 watts Class A. Don't know about the headroom. 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
VTL IT85? 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
21 watts for the Primaluna Dialogue Two (38 in ultralinear) -- not much different than the Mastersound Due Venti. 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
Took me a split second to recognize that asinine alliterates with acurus. 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
Asinine, not assanine. 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
Thanks for the tip, Bjesien. How does it match up with the Merlins is the question? 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
Couple of other integrated have popped up on my radar: Mastersound Due Venti & Grant Fidelity Rita 880. ??? 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
But I am seeking an integrated, not separates, so Thor, as good as it may be, is out. 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
If 1.2k will do the job, so be it. If 4k is necessary, I'm down with it. 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
Anybody care to weigh in on the Primaluna integrateds with the MMIs? 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
Grannyring, Can't find a listing of Thor products. Do/Did they make a tube integrated? 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
Grannyring, Did you use a preamp with the VAMP? Ah, the Vamp, when will I ever see one for sale!?