
Responses from podeschi

Clearaudio innovation wood or SME 20/3
Another thumbs up for Sota Cosmos....hard to go wrong with that table. Sota, Basis, TW Raven, Clearaudio, can't go wrong...Linn only if you pay megabucks for all the upgrades, IMHO, since that format is sooooooo long in the tooth in its original i... 
PS Audio PerfectWave DAC Upgrade
well worth the $$ on every front -- easy to hear, easy to justify 
Clearaudio innovation wood or SME 20/3
Had a basis table with vector 4 arm. Now have innovation wood with graham supreme arm and benz lp-s cartridge (and second arm is schick 12" with Miyajima mono). While i tend toward wanderlust, given the performance of clearaudio innovation I AM do... 
Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES
+1 regarding Audience powerchords. When I initially did in home comparisons of different PCs, I heard dramatic differences swapping the PCs on Modwright Sony 5400es. I quickly chose Audience powerChords for all my equipment. It adds a sense of ene... 
Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES
ALO in Portland is an awesome store. Bought tubes and my headphones there. 
phono amp +/- €1500
+1 on Herron VTPH -2. I love mine for MM and MC. Can't find anything that beats it. 
Interconnect Cables and Power Cord for PASS x350.5
Big resolution and soundstage plus 3d sound is whatAudience will give in PCs and ICs. Increased dynamics and air and extension without brittle highs. They literally breathe life and energy and space into the music. I can't live without them. I'm a... 
Good speakers under 10K.
Vandersteen 5s get my vote epecially for dynamics when listening to rock 
Headphone amp combo ideas?
That's why I kept it simple and bought the matching A1 headphone amp. 
Fuses that matter.
Thats so cool. How did u get those letters upside down? 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Right on, Alonski. I would also add to our Cinemag Infomercial I had a funky ground loop hum issue with my Miyajima setup (something about my system). The 1131 fixed that. 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
I now have Bob's Devices Cinemag 1131 mono (made for Miyajima mono) in my system. So Miyajima is going into Herron's MM inputs. Magic. Meaty, special, musical, engaging, powerful etc. It is like putting Shindo and Linn and ARC into a blender. Much... 
VAC 160i, any experiences
I think the VAC tube amps act like they have a lot more power/current than their ratings indicate. My VAC 300.1a amp has roughly 150 wpc into 4 ohms, but punches almost as strong as my 600 wpc into 4 ohm Conrad Johnson Premier 350 SS amp. 
VAC 160i, any experiences
If I had fairly efficient speakers I'd go for the all in one solution of 160i without hesitation. Unless you are going to bi-amp phi 200, not enough power difference to justify additional preamp and interconnects. 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
you either have the magic or you don't. when i bought the Herron VTPH-2 phono preamp I knew my search was over. Don't settle for "ok"