
Responses from podeschi

Magico S5 review
Knghifi,I am a VAC addict. The 450S is incredible...last amp I will own. The VAC Renaissance MK III preamp is incredible as well. Beautifully built, and superbly functional. I recently owned the Conrad Johnson GAT preamp. I ran the VAC and GAT sid... 
Magico S5 review
Thanks - I did not hear them in the same system or same room. The Q series struck me as having a tiny bit of a bleached analytical emphasis in comparison to S - Q definitley is super detailed and fast like a planar speaker and huge sound stage wit... 
Magico S5 review
I have heard the Q3 and the Q5 and the S5. I bought the S5. All Magicos are state of the art IMHO. I currently own new Magnepans. I will be selling them. Might sound like hyperbole...one S5 speaker almost beats two magnepans, and I didn't think I ... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Just hooked up last amp I will buy - VAC 450S. Unbelievable. Amazing harmonics, timbre, speed, impact. Spatial and organic fullness make speakers disappear. Worth every penny. 
Stillpoint Ultras anyone?
Got them and put them under my Clearaudio Innovation Wood and using stillpoints bases under ultra 5s. I can literally bang the symposium shelf and nada -impervious to vibrations. Sonically dynamics are better, as is spatial resolution as is last i... 
Stillpoint Ultras anyone?
Getting 3 Ultra 5s next week to try under my Clearaudio innovation wood turntable. Excited to hear the difference. 
Stillpoint Ultras anyone?
I have minis, and ultra aluminum (better), and Ultra SS (even better). 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
I agree with Mbump. I have not heard anything in my system better than the Herron VTPH-2. no upgraditis on the phono preamp front. 
$3500 integrated amp for Zu Definition speakers?
Gopher, sounds like u know your stuff and your preferences - good luck and keep us posted. 
$3500 integrated amp for Zu Definition speakers?
Decware new zen torii III is AWESOME especially with those sensitive speakers.I own VAC and love it.CJ CA200 would be great choice too -- I have the PR350 bigger brother to CA200 and it is awesome.I have a simaudio i5.3SE (willing to sell for $2k)... 
Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES
I let the create tube burn in for 3 days per distributor/seller. It sounds better. Midrange glare is gone. Some upper treble hardness that reminds me i am listening to a digital facsimile is still present. While it has more apparent spatial and mi... 
Magico Q7 . . . wow
I just ordered the Magico S5 speakers. Was going to upgrade from Maggie 3.7 to 20.7 -- love the speed and wall of sound, but struggle with moving up to an even bigger 20.7 footprint to get more weight/low end extension -- so giving Magico a go in ... 
Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES
I either have a bad tube or my ears are telling me Mullard is better. Or Create isnt broken in. 
What Power Cord can improve clarity and bass slam?
Ive been to alot of concerts. I have hearing loss to prove it. 
Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES
Thanks Wig. I have my modwright on repeat.