
Responses from ponnie

Dahlquist DQ 10 help.
The DQ10's require an amp that can deliver good muscle. A high current 100 watt amp should drive them well. The 200 watt rating means that a flat response (with not added bass or treble) your speakers will handle approxiamately 200 watts. It doesn... 
Speakers for Odyssey Stratos Extreme monos
I agree with some of the points the other responders have made. I have had experience with several speakers that those amps sound wonderful with. Alon and the Odyssey amps are a very good match, giving a very refined sound. Magnepans do well with ... 
Van Alstine preamp sound character?
It's funny you should ask that question. I can share my experience with you. I had 5 or 6 preamps before I purchased my VanAlstine Super PAS3si over a 6 month period. A CJ PV5, Audible Illusions 2D, Audio Research L9, A Chinese tube preamp a Odyss... 
KLH speakers. Your opinions wanted
Guys, Are you sure this speaker was made in the early 70's. KLH was bought out and were making speakers untilaround 2004 or so. I haven't checked on them since. The were located in California. The speakers were nothing similar to what they made in... 
Noob Planar Speaker Advice Needed
If you want a very good balance and what is supposed to be an improvement over all 3 maybe then check out he New Magnepan Model 1.7. I hear it's all ribbon and much more advanced than the 1.6. Check the link below. The CLS and the Martin Logans ar... 
How to go about cleaning my speakers?
You can also get a good qualityh painters 1" or 2" hair paint brush and gently brush the drivers and surrounds. This works for me. That with a can of air should work just fine. 
Eminent Tech. LFT-16 vs Spica TC60
Thanks Jaybo. I am thinking just that at the moment. 
Eminent Tech. LFT-16 vs Spica TC60
Thanks guys. Any input will surely help. I have a pair of ET LFT 16's on the way. I will compare them. I honestly don't know what to expect with the ET's. But I've been living with Spicas for the past 25 years or more. 
Windows Vista 64bit- 24-bit/96kHz Help
Use a program like Media Monkey and it will play almost any thing and all the new HD formats too. There are other programs thast will do the same thing. And you can use a USB DAC and run it to your preamp. I'm fortunate that I have a coax jack ont... 
Maple Shade Recordings?
The Clifford Jorday is excellent! I have a couple more live sets that are excellent too. Can't remember the name but if there is an artist and especially if they are playing a standard give them a chance. You should check out some Steeplechase art... 
Equipment setup
Did you tell the dealer what size room you had before you purchased the speakers? I ask this question because while I haven't found the specs to this speaker I think your room is too small for them. Are you sitting on a concrete slab or what type ... 
Ruby el34s sound flat?
Ruby's are okay depending on the circuit. I would simply use a quad of EH EL34's. The slim one's. I have had some manufacturing buddies tell me they don't like the Fat Boys as much. The EH's have an extended top end and an articulate midrange. I h... 
New To Vinyl... Seeking Recomendations
Buconero117, Pick up any of Eva's music, even the 1 or 2 she did with Chuck Brown. Some wonderful Ballads on those records. CD's too of course.If you are a CD fan you have to listen to the Beatles Remasters. Especially the CD with "Come Together" ... 
Need help with Ariston RD 90
You may want to contact Sumiko. They have two speed controllers. Also, you have the Origin Live motor and speed controller. It's pricey but most likely one of the best turntable motor upgrades on the market. I assume you know that Ariston was gobb... 
Onix SP3: What speakers are you using?
I have heard the SP3 with Clements, Sololiquy 5.3, Aurum Cantus Lesiure 3's and belive it or not a pair of $5,000 Living Voices are doing full duty with the SP3. Not bad at all. Im not a huge fan of Living Voice speakers but it was a very good com...