
Responses from ptmconsulting

VPI Aries owners
Maple butcher block with Rollerblock clones (DIY) under that for vibration control.Enjoy,Bob 
Discontinued components that you wish the manufact
Not exactly discontinued, actually. The Audio Prism line was bought by Mark Levinson and renamed "Red Rose". Audio Prism sold this preamp for $2000, and a real street price of about $1700 new. Their silver version retailed for $3500, I believe. No... 
Upgrade Rega P25 to? Basis? VPI? Or?
For a $2000 budget your best bang would be to upgrade the phono section first, and you obviously recognize this. Lots of choices in the $1000 area, both tubed and solid state. The next obvious upgrade would be the cartridge. I agree that MC is the... 
SACD or vinyl? Looking for great sound and mid $$
Forget the sonic differences for a second on a $500 SACD player vs a $500 turntable/cartridge combo. Concentrate on the medium. Vinyl for $1-5 each. SACD for $20-25 each.Vinyl with gads of music. SACD with limited selection.Your choice should be e... 
Mccormack DNA 2 vs DNA 225
A good amount of Steve's revisions are already incorporated into the 125, 225 models. He is going to be announcing mods for the "25" series amps soon - so you won't be stuck without them for long. My guess is the 225 sounds better than a stock 2. ... 
How to switch Golden Tube Audio SE-40 to mono mode
Don't own this amp myself, but friend does. We had it open for rebiasing and he showed me the small jumper to make them monoblocks. It's right in the center when you open them up. It's a wee-tiny little jumper that's probably sitting across one pi... 
Full-function/Phono-only vs. Line + Phono Stage?
It's the age old set of questions. Can you get the quality you want in one package? Will you need the flexibility to improve one and keep the other? Is the phono stage going to be the weak link in the system? Can you get more value in used separat...