
Responses from ptmconsulting

Is the McCormack DNA .5 that great?
There are a lot of proud owners of these amps (myself included, so caveat emptor). Here's some opinionated facts about them:- They are very competitive with amps costing 2-3x more.- They mate well with most preamp types, tubes, SS and passive - an... 
how many of you are ..............................
I believe the old saying is it takes about $5 million to set up an audio business where you can make $1 million.Or maybe it was: It takes a million to set up an audio business where you can actually turn a profit.Some sentiment. High overhead and ... 
Vinyl, should I take the plunge?
Getting into Vinyl isn't that expensive, unless you want it to be. You obviously don't mind spending some $$$ on audio, but you could start out into vinyl with a used Thorens or Rega or a Well Tempered (a bit more but you may never need to upgrade... 
Do You Remember Your First CD Player?
Still got it in the basement - on a shelf - collecting dust. I held off forever before buying one, so I missed the bad digital phase. It was still a cheapo NEC unit and doesn't have a digital out, or I would have converted it to a transport by now... 
is the McCormack DNA 1 Deluxe the same as DNA 125?
The DNA .5 = 125 and the DNA 1 = 225. The difference is basically wattage. The DNA .5 had better refinement than the 1, but I can't say the same goes for the 125 vs. the 225 (don't know).Steve offers custom updates for the DNA .5 and DNA 1 amps. A... 
klipsch horns
A friend has a pair powered by 2A3 SET amps built by John Wiesner, who partnered with Arthur Loesch in the post. Amazing amp designs and incredible craftsmanship. They put out 1.5 watts, I believe, which is definitely enough for these K-horns in h... 
Feelings when listening Rel ST Series subwoofers
Yes, that's a much better explanation that my feeble attempt. In my music system the Strata III disappears. It just supports the speakers seamlessly. But in my home theatre setup I expect to hear dinosaur stomps and cannon blasts with dramatic eff... 
Feelings when listening Rel ST Series subwoofers
No, I haven't actually tried my Strata III in my home theatre setup. It may do VERY well there for some/most people. However, I actually LIKE the house shaking and powerful bass that comes out of the cheapo sub that's in my home theatre now, and I... 
California Audio Labs DX-1
I don't believe the DX-1 has tubes; my DX-2 certainly doesn't. Yes, the DX's have a very nice sound to them. I use mine as a transport into a modded ART DI/O, but sometimes just use the DX-2 by itself and am very pleased by its sound.As for your p... 
Feelings when listening Rel ST Series subwoofers
So much depends on the room when experiencing bass. Unless you've had different subwoofers in the same room and setup then it's almost impossible to say for certain what the differences/strengths are for each model.I have the Strata III and I can ... 
Bryston/McCormack Marriage
Find a nice transparent tube preamp and go with it. Whatever you do don't ruin yourself by getting a passive pre-amp. Once you hear it you will be ruined for life. They are just so transparent that any active linestage under $5000 won't compete. Y... 
Calling all acoustic guitar fans...
Most Oregon recordings, but especially Ralph Towner solo projects. Then there's Egberto Gismonte.Enjoy,Bob 
Jazz Big Band Recommendations?
The new Jaco Big Band tribute album is pretty good. I also enjoyed the Claude Bolling Big Band album.Enjoy,Bob 
Speakers to Mate with McCormack?
Speakers are such a personal thing, and there are so damn many designs, that it's damn near impossible to truly suggest one that YOU might like in you room. However, there is one truth to purchasing speakers - you will get much more for your money... 
AudioPrism Quiet Lines
The lights in my wife's laundry room used to blink & flutter when the washing machine was going. One quiet line on the same outlet as the machine brought it down to a barely noticeable flutter. They do work. I also put one on the fridge (obvio...