
Responses from realdeal

I used to think passive preamps were superior to active preamps given right the setup, but
jmcgrogan2,Up to now you haven't figure that out?that chicken comes first. 
6sn7 or 6sl7
For those 6sl7/6sn7 users,don't be afraid to swap 6sl7/ 6sn7 or vise versa,or even 6sl7 on one channel  and 12ax7/ 6dj8 12au7 on the other won't hurt your preamp.I've done this a hundred times ,I even use 12ax7,12au7.12at7,12bz7 & 6... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
You could try effeciency speakers like Lowther ,AER or Voxativ with 16 ohms impedance,I am using a pair Goodmans 612 fullrange speaker 16 ohms with very good results. 
What is the best OTL out there?
I have a Quad ESL 57 & Quad II & Quad 22,but the ESL are ineffecient speaker at 86db,A lot of fullrange speaker will be far better. 
Thought on OTL tube amps
The Zero autotransformer will not make  amplifier output impedance and the speaker input impedance higher as  Paul Speltz claim,It only decreases impedance on both input and output but it increase output  power due to less impedance and more curre... 
Thought on OTL tube amps
Sorry to say that the atmas are not stand alone OTL tube amp but need output transformer  plain and simple. 
Designer Hall of Fame
Frank Gilbert,Alpha Wiggins for their contribution in OTL designs. 
Thought on OTL tube amps
Nobody knows all the knowledge about OTL,Some were copied and modified.Most commercial/on the market OTL are very ineffecient in converting tube output capabilities which paralleling tubes is the only option. 
Thought on OTL tube amps
Trelja,May the FORCE be in Simon Vinitsky's soul. 
6SN7 tubes
6sn7 should be properly matched with balanced triode-triode and tube-tube,not more than 10% with their transconductance and plate current. 
Designer Hall of Fame
Does anybody knows all the knowledge about OTL?,You have your own I have my own,I don't even know the original designer.I have my own design.Maybe I will prove to you the amp one day.I was able to avoid the redundancy of output tubes just like all... 
Designer Hall of Fame
Of course with a circuit within the adapter,8 pin socket to a 4 pin 
Designer Hall of Fame
What if it does? 
Is it possible to adapt kt88 to a 6A3 single ended
Charles,All wild guesses and even ask him if he does 
Is it possible to adapt kt88 to a 6A3 single ended
Rleff,Without proper electronic background,you can't tell Al is well verse in electronics,none from his remarks that I can pick up that he is,Ralph?Yes.