
Responses from riffer

DIY 300b SET monoblock
Nice link Herman 
Power Cable - what´s your best?
PS Audio Prelude and aboveDH Labs Power Plus 
Best budget phono preamp?
Trigon is clear, Dynamic.VPI Aries Scout, VPI JWM9, Dynavector 20XH & Benz L2 
Best budget phono preamp?
Trigon Vanguard II - $495Solid state. Lots of gain and loading options to "dial in" your cartridge.I don't have the Volcano II power supply (another $495) and mine still has an extremely low noise floor.Tried Grado, Monolithic Sound, Rogue, and a ... 
Best cables for Simaudio Moon system??
I use DH Labs BL-1 on my Nova to i-5.I have tried much more expensive cables like the Cardas Golden Reference and Analysis Plus Silver Oval In, but I still find the DH Labs most suitable.Speaker cables - I currently use DIYAUDIO Exodus Crossstream... 
Best budget phono preamp?
What's the budget? 
A bit off topic, but a big thanks to Edlchiang62 for mentioning the ADCOM. I had never heard of it. I live in an old house without grounded outlets. so no MOV based surge supressors for me. I am using a "Brick Wall" for my audio system, but "Brick... 
is it sacrilege?
Time to stand your ground.Next thing you know she will have you moving them around. 
Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment
I guess if "Eichmann Bullets" is unfortunate, then so also must be "Pink Triangle" 
Is Smoking Really That Bad For Audio Equipment?
No, it's just the issue of the brown tar getting all over everything from heavy smokers. 
Great music but poor recording recommendations.
Audioslave - Out of Exile.Poor recording/mastering/whatever is highlighted by playing back to back with their first album. 
how about USB cable?
I am using Monster Cable for my Computer to DAC connection.There was a test afew years ago in Maximum PC comparing the Monster Cable, a QVC, and a generic cable. The Monster was marginally faster than the QVC (which is my standard for most applica... 
VPI Scout and Scoutmaster Owners: Another Question
I think I understand your question to mean should you "torque" them up.I hadn't even though of that. I just adjust until the table is level, then try to reduce the height until one of the legs starts getting difficult to tighten. I do this to ensu... 
Budget phono cables
You are out of date on the VPI.The "Series 2" has a ground wire and an outstanding reputation.It is probably the last cable I would replace on my system. 
whatz up with tape input/outputs?
Not only do I use a tape deck, but I also have a headphone amplifier that uses the tape out.Not only would I never buy a amp without a tape out, but I would like one with two tape outs so I don't have to use a Y cable or pass through.The one thing...