
Responses from rlawry

Ventura & Santa Barbara, CA
Montecito is in the Santa Barbara area on the high side of the tracks. I am not sure about AA and its current status. I am guessing that it is a small proprietorship, perhaps even home-based. 
WP7 to 8? Worth the move?
I had a pair of Sophias and then WP7's, and have heard the 8's at Brooks Berdan here in SoCal. I agree with Grant's assessment of the difference in sound. To my ears, the Sophias have better driver coherence, the images are more robust, and they a... 
Matching Amp to Wilson Sophia 2
I had Sophia I's and tried a bunch of solid-state and tubed amps, and IMO, tubes are the way to go with these speakers. Unlike the Watt Puppies, the Sophias are an easy load and I thought they sounded best using high-powered tube jobs from ARC, Co... 
Collecting Blue Note Jazz
As always, note that those who dismiss hot stampers are those same individuals who have never heard one. You can always argue that they are overpriced but not if you haven't tried one. I like those rationalizations; it helps keep the hot stamper p... 
Rolled some 12ax7's recently...
Best 12AX7 I have tried is the very rare and expensive CBS/Raytheon D-getter 7729. I also have a pair of O-getters that are close, but avoid the later CBS/Raytheon with the O-getter and 7729 etched in the glass. These last ones were actually made ... 
Tube amp for "difficult" speakers,,,
Since tube amps are more sensitive to overall load than most solid-state amps, it is better to know not only the speaker voltage sensitivity of 83 db/watt/meter, but the impedance load. A lot of speakers with low voltage sensitivity are relatively... 
Wilson Audio Owners.....Sophia's
I tried a bunch of tube and solid-state amps with the Sophias I owned, and I agree, they are a relatively easy load, an easier load than the Watt Puppy 7's I later owned. Tube amps do seem to give the speakers some dimensionality and weight that S... 
you've got $25,000.00
Like Popluhv above, if I had $25K, which unfortunately I don't, I would get one of the SME turntables, the Graham Phantom arm, and a Lyra cartridge of some sort. I now have the SME 20/2 ($11K), Phantom ($4.5K), and Audioquest cartridge, an older S... 
Tube amps vs solid state for large speakers
I haven't heard the AES Sixpacs but had an AES AE-25 Superamp, the DJH signature version. Great sound for the money, not the last word in tube warmth but more on the neutral side and good bass. The fun thing about the Superamp was trying different... 
Tubes and light weight bass
If you cannot move your speakers nearer your front wall and/or add a subwoofer, you may want to try a more powerful tube amp whose output impedance is lower, or better yet, for good bass, a solid-state amp may be the best bet. You may not like the... 
Tube amps vs solid state for large speakers
What you really need to know is the impedance curve of your speakers, i.e. impedance vs. frequency and phase angle vs. frequency. The voltage sensitivity of your speakers will make them a marginal load for a low-powered tube amp, especially a SET ... 
Best MUSICAL subwoofer for Maxx 2's quality sound?
It should be remembered that bass, especially low bass, is felt as a pressure wave. While the Maxx 2 certainly has state-of-the-art bass, the use of a subwoofer with a low pass point of 30-40 Hz will reinforce the Maxx 2 bass by pressurizing and d... 
2 10" subs equals 1 12" or 15" sub?
Like Shadorne says, there are too many variables to equate the sonic performance of subwoofers based on driver size. The best thing is to listen to some and draw your own conclusions. 
Audio Research CD7's 6H30 tube rolling
I had both Audio Research and Conrad-Johnson power amps with new production 6H30-EB drivers a few years ago. I replaced them with pricey NOS -DR versions and I couldn't tell much difference. Maybe it might make a difference in a CD player, but bas... 
REL Subwoofer Cable Upgrade?
I bought an aftermarket cable for my Storm III from Mark Zikhmark here on the Gon and I thought it made a slight difference in bass definition, although I only ran the sub up to 32Hz with my Wilson speakers. I agree with the others that buying a $...