
Responses from rlawry

Brooks Berdan LTD Monrovia California
If Brian Berdan is no longer there I would be surprised. I bought a phono cartridge from him after the Newport Beach Show last July. I have been a customer of BBL for many years and would be disappointed if Brian were gone. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
The best speaker I have ever heard is the mbl 101E as part of a $200K system at the 2012 Newport Beach Audio Show in a relatively large room. That being said, the best I have had in my small room is a recent purchase of Wyatt Acoustics 2.8 using A... 
Greatest Rock Guitar Riffs
Baby Blue by Badfinger. 
Best rock song of all times
Afternoon Delight by Starland Vocal Band..............Just kidding. How about Black Betty by Ram Jam? 
Album which you have listened to most?
Supertramp Crime of the Century. I have probably 10 different pressings of this record. 
What is a better route, tube or SS preamp?
I think you should try both designs as the old line between solid-state and tubes has been blurred. Most good designs these days are relatively neutral in tonal balance but you can still find the old "tube sound" or "solid-state" sound if you want... 
Recording quality by decade
Actusreus: I would classify recordings as pop if they fall into popular music categories such as pop, rock, soul, etc. And I would have to agree with you that the recordings you listed are great recordings, such as Supertramp, Pink Floyd, and othe... 
Recording quality by decade
As far as pop recordings go, one thing to remember is profitability of the record companies. Up until the early 70's, record companies signed artists to recording contracts where the artists had almost no control over payments, i.e. they were at t... 
Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
I am not taking sides here, just my experience at an audio show for what it is worth. I attended the 2012 Newport Beach Audio Show specifically to listen to speakers and heard dozens of them, mostly costly designs that cost in excess of $18K/pair.... 
Sudden loss of volume from turntable
Have you tried switching things around, such as the phono stage into the same line input used for your CD player? It could be a number of things, but you will probably have to isolate it. Can you bypass the SUT into the phono stage even though the... 
Amplifier question for powering Wilson Sophia
I had a pair of Sophias and enjoyed both solid-state and tubed amps. However, I think they sounded the best with tubed jobs, blooming more with a robust sound and a bigger soundstage. The slight reduction in bass depth is much less than that of th... 
Any Alice Cooper fans?
Saw him in the fall of 71 for his Killer tour with the guillotine, plastic baby dolls, and panties into the audience. I probably listened to Killer 10 million times during that period and still listen occasionally to this day. I always thought he ... 
HELP Best speakers btw 1000$ and 3000$. Real tests
I attended the 2012 Newport Beach Audio Show and heard so many hifi-ish speakers there that I was actually relieved to get out of there. That being said, two very inexpensive and impressive small two-ways there were the Evolution Acoustics MMMicro... 
Cartridge for my system? Your wisdom is needed
Before I spent big bucks on Lyra cartridges from Audioquest and my current Titan i, I had several Grado cartridges and loved them. They are moving-magnet designs and have loads of output and a very robust sound. IMO these are very underrated cartr... 
Tube dampers/coolers effect on preamp sound?
Yep, I added some Audio Research rubber band-like tube dampers to my Manley Steelhead phono preamp and I heard a tightening of the sound, especially in the bass, and improvement in dynamics. It didn't make the difference other tweaks such as Audio...