
Responses from rudge

modwright Sony 999es platinum truth.
I had the same problem others have posted here. My 999 stopped playing hybrid SACD's after a very short time. I sent it back to Dan Wright and he replaced the laser assembly. I got it back and after a month or two it did the very same thing. It pl... 
New SACD player-replacing current setup
I have two Marantz players. The top of the line seven and the Sa11S1. Obviously I like the Marantz players. One thing I would advise if you get one of the older ones and maybe also for a new model, seriously consider upgrading the fuses. I did it ... 
Tube preamp recommendations
Obviously, Joule does not make a 1650. Old age and too little time resulted in a brand new model no. being invented by me, the 1650. What I meant to say, obviously, was that I had 150 and enjoyed it very much. Hopefully, you will be very happy wit... 
Tube preamp recommendations
I've had the Joule 1650 for several years. Great piece. I hope you enjoy it . 
KT 150 Amp Options
Tubegroover, I just wanted to let you know i ordered the Silver 88's from Mike Sanders today. I'll let you know how I like them after I get them in and set up, and played for awhile. Mike was great to deal with.. 
Pathos Classic One MKIII and Focal 807W Speakers
Just a small point. I use the Pathi to drive Cremora M's. But I mono block them. Mono blocked they provide more than enough power to drive almost any speaker. I've had them now for several years and have said here repeatedly how much I like them. 
KT 150 Amp Options
TG, thank you for incisive review. The sound you described for the amps is compatable with what I am looking for. I will be taking a very serious look at purchasing the amps direct. There are no dealers anywhere near where I live. Again, thank you... 
KT 150 Amp Options
I'm glad to see the interest here in the Quicksilver brand, especially the silver 88's. I'm considering purchasing a pair for my second system. I would more than likely use the KT150 tube option. Any comments about the amps would be appreciated. 
Which one...?
I've had the Marantz 7s1 fro a couple of years now and like it very much. Extremely musical. But one thing with both the the Marantz 11 series and now the seven, I upgraded the fuses on both players and found ti made a big difference. I would advi... 
Floored by the Sound Quality of TEO Liquid Pre
Guys, i don't have a dog in this fight. And having just purchased a Manley 300B preamp for one of my systems, I'm not looking for a new preamp. But a few years ago when I was looking at the Pathos integrated for my family room, I read Doug's revie... 
Porgy and Bess recommendations?
I have several complete Porgy and Bess recordings. I enjoyed the one with Price and Warfield. On record we have the Maazel complete recording with White and Mitchell. Its the most operatic. It could also be out of print. The most recent "Porgy" is... 
Best EL34 reissue?
Does the 77's have as "warm" a sound as the 34's? Im thinking of replacing my 34s with them, but I'm using them with Magnepans and need that warmth. If not the 77's any other suggestions, EL, for a warm 34. Any other comments are appreciated 
Help with buying used Sonus Faber Cremona m
There 's a pair for sale on this site right now. Just enter sonus faber on the main page and you'll see them. 
Amp for Sonus Faber Cremona M's
I've posted this before, but here goes again. I'm using Pathos integrates in mono-block mode. I've had this set up for a couple years and think the Pathi and Cremora M's work very well together. If you can, give this combo a listen. 
Pathos Amps
Have said it before on this site. I've used Pathos integrates in mono-block mode for several years with Sonus Faber Cremora M speakers. Its been a great combo for me and I would recommend mono-blocking the Pathi to anyone that is able to. I listen...