
Responses from rudge

Sony DVP-NS999ES in Silver
I, too have a silver 999 that I bought direct from Dan Wright with his tube mod. I've had the player for several years, have upgraded the tubes, and enjoy it in my second sysem. 
Sonus Faber Cremona vs. Cremona M again, I know
I use the cremora M's with Pathos integrated monoblocked. It's a great combination. I have not heard the cremoras. but ugraded to the M's from the concertos and do not find the M's too anaylitical. To my ears, with the Pathos, the M's have a rathe... 
amp for sonus faber concerto domus
I never heard or used the sonus faber integrated. Although, I think Quintessence Audio outside of Chicago has a demo for sale. That's were I bought my Pathos. They could probably give you a rundown on the musica and Pathos 
amp for sonus faber concerto domus
I have been using Pathos integrateds for several years with concertos. An excellent combination. Pathos works very well with Sonus Faber. I will be upgrading to bigger Sonus Faber speakers , but I will be keeping my Pathos integrateds. I use them ... 
Mapletree Audio versus Decware preamps
Pubul thanks for your response. I appreciate it. 
Mapletree Audio versus Decware preamps
Pub, after you listen a little more could you give some thoughts on how the Mapletree compares to other preamps you've had? Thanks 
Sonus Faber fans: Liuto vs. Cremona Auditor M?
Miner, thank you very much for your detailed respose. I would be buying the floor standing cremoras. I have been using Pathos integrated the last two years mono-blocked with ny concertos. I have been very happy with that combo and have heard the c... 
Sonus Faber fans: Liuto vs. Cremona Auditor M?
I would like to hear some opnions about these two speakers as I will be upgrading from my concerto domus speakers. I planned on going to the cremora Ms, but would like to hear more about either speaker if anyone has any opinions or has compared them. 
Any Experience With Conrad Johnson ET3 Preamp?
I would be interested in any commemts on this new preamp from Conrad Johnson too. Rayooo any opnions from you woudl be appreciated. 
Sonus Faber Concerto upgrade?
I also have Concertos, Concerto Domus. I have listened to the new Liutos and then the Cremora Ms. I didn't think the Liutos were that much better than the concertos. But the Cremora Ms, now that was a differnet matter. I thought they were quite ab... 
Amp for Sonus Faber Cremona - old model
I am going to the M and trading in my concertos. I have been very happy with them, but then M's sound even better. It woudl have been necessary for me to have long speaker cable runs so I decided to use the Pathos monoblocked. I have been very hap... 
Amp for Sonus Faber Cremona - old model
I have been using Sonus Faber Concertos with Pathos integrated in monoblock mode for two years and its been a great combo. I am going to be upgrading to the Cremoras with the Pathos very shortly. I have heard that combination at my dealers and it ... 
More female vocals
I don't know if anyone has mentioned Ella Fitzgerald. If not,there can't be a discussion of the greatest jazz singers ever without her name being included. Her "songbooks" are classics and just about anything she'e done is worth hearing. There is ... 
Magnepan & Manley
I have had some form of Magnepans in my home for over thirty years. I have run them with everything from 500 watts to 60 watts. I have had CJ, Bat, Cary{both tube and soldi-stae}, Mark Levinson, etc., etc. I play mainly classical music, jazz, and ... 
Marantz SA-11S1
I've had one for about a year now and like it alot. Its built like a tank and has a great sound. I'm not planning on replacing it in the near future.