
Responses from russellrcncom

Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?
One thing to consider is that there seems to be much more enthusiasm for Pass amps then preamps.  I have a an old aleph ono phono preamp.  It's very clean but way too lean for my liking.   
Integrated Amp to match with Magico A3
Sinewaveron:  Can you at least tell us what mode you're running your Vitus in?  is it pumping out 25 WPC or 150 WPC and if the latter, do you feel this is better than the RI-101? 
New Bluesound's Node 2i
Id love to see this offered w/o a dac at a lower price...kbuzz: my thought exactly. 
Hendrix 50th Anniversary Electric Ladyland Box Release
1967 this album came out - think of it!  Only 22 years after the end of WW2.  Yes, it is a masterpiece but this album for me was 50 years ahead of its time.  I'm just hoping that it will be reasonably priced.  So much of this stuff is geared towar... 
Play music from laptop over WiFi to existing audio system: how?
I stream Pandora and tidal thru my audioengine B1.  I'm thinking of "upgrading" to a Bluesound node 2i.  I believe I can use the DAC on my MBL player via Toslink.  Will this upgrade sound quality or is this overkill running wireless thru a $9K CD ... 
Speed kills....
???2channel8: I have the Lambda headphones with an SRM-1 (mark2, I believe) amplifier.  I'm trying to replicate that sound but on a larger scale.    
Speed kills....
Duke, that was one of the most lucid, informative responses I've read in any forum.   
Speed kills....
Prof: the t8's are slow when I compare them to my stax headphones. Very coherent but slow.  I guess I'm trying to replicate the stax sound but on a larger scale.   that probably  puts me in the planar camp, but space is an issue, otherwise the new... 
ARC Ref 5se VS ARC Ref 6
Is anyone using S/S amplification with the ref 6 and if so, what?   
Upgrading form Pass integrated amplifier to a better one
Just read a review in positive feedback on the AudioNet Watt that left me drooling.  In my dream world I wish someone would do a shoot-out between the Absolaire, Ypsilon, Gryphon, T&A, and AudioNet.   
Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe
Thyname there are a lot of good recommendations here.   I learned something with this thread.  I'm going to add the VX-R to my short list.  Soundstage gave it a great review but the reviewer noted that he's heard more impactful bass before.  Also,... 
Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe
I'm surprised that stringreen didn't ask if you are using the V-5xe in balanced mode.  I have matched the V-5xe with a K-5xemp pre but like you I'm also looking to upgrade.  I feel this combo is a little on the lean side of things.   
Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe
I was looking for a boutique integrated along the likes of Vitus, Gryphon, AudioNet , T&A, etc. but then I read a review of the Luxman M900u and I'm trying to figure a way how I can afford it (and retire at the same time!).   
Jack DeJohnette
incredible musician.  i'm a big fan of the earlier ecm recordings with Jarrett, Holland, kenny wheeler, etc.  would strongly recommend the two gateway albums on ecm.  unfortunately, these are not available on tidal. 
Would like to hear from Ayre owners especially those who dared to venture.
I have a k5xemp mated with a V-5Xe.   I'm looking to replace the combo with a SS integrated of the likes of Vitus, Gryphon Diablo, T&A, or AudioNet.  The AX-5 twenty has received good reviews as well so I will probably add that to the list.  I...