
Responses from rwwear

CD copy question
If you use a computer but not always with a standalone copier. A standalone will also remove any meta data that's on the disc. 
SACD availability
SACD discs are mostly classical and jazz but there's still many older rock discs available. I think your best bet is to get a universal player that will play everything including DVDA and maybe Bluray and you'll have all formats covered for a while. 
Amp or Preamp With Built-in High-Pass Filter
The B&K Ref 5 does. 
Ideal amp for B&W matrix 800
I think you would prefer the Krell amps with these speakers because they like high current. I would go for the FPB series if possible. 
Krell FPB 600
I didn't hear much if any difference between the C and CX there's just more power. The heat factor is about the same, it never bothered me. I found the 600 to be smoother overall in the treble and midrange with a larger soundstage but it's been a ... 
Krell FPB 600
I went from the KSA 250 that was upgraded to 250S. I like the unlimited power and smoother over all sound of the 600. I sold mine and purchased the 350 monos and liked the 600 better. So I returned the 350's to Krell and got a 600C which I later h... 
Audio Research PH2 or Aesthetix Rhea?
I think Dgarretson meant the AR Steve. 
Krell FPB 600
Non inverting. It's simple to change on any balanced amp though. All you have to do is swap the connections of pins two and three on one end of the XLR cables. 
Audio Research PH2 or Aesthetix Rhea?
I've never heard either but the Rhea is much more flexible when it comes to loading and has plenty of gain. It has a remote for changing settings also. I believe to change loading with the AR you have to solder in different resistors. It only has ... 
The Raven SACDs
No. I have not heard either. But they probably sound the same in two channel mode. 
The Raven SACDs
The second version is stereo and multi-channel. 
New Tom Petty
Rock is by nature unrefined as it should be. But I wonder since we are listening to different versions of the recording which is the best sounding? I have yet to receive the Bluray version so am unable to comment on it's quality. 
Mid-priced CDPs: Old vs. new technology
I would look at the Oppo BD-83 if you have any interest at all in playing SACD and DVDA as well as the new Hi Res Bluray discs and DVD. It's hard to beat for 499.00 or 899.00 for the SE model. An outboard DAC is always an option too. 
Best sounding Supertramp's "Breakfast in America"
Misery loves company Goose. 
Shirley Bassey is realy something
"The Rhythm Divine" by Yello with Shirley Bassey is divine.Yello/One Second