
Responses from rysa4

Plasma 42 inch ....
Wanted to finnish up with the comment about the Panasonic Onyx series brought up by another poster. The Onyx was a failed attempt by panasonic to introduce a more expensive line largely based on cosmetics. They use 7th generation technology only a... 
Plasma 42 inch ....
The 2 42 HD Fujitsu models MRSP are at 6000 and 7000 dollars. WE are actually in a model switch right now where you can get either. The Fujitsu 42 ED offering is at 5000 MSRP.The Panny 42 inch HD is at 2499. The Panny ED is at 1500.These are for t... 
Plasma 42 inch ....
Good luck to the original poster. Also I really agree that Hitachi is a true plasma force yet to be reckoned with. Soon the vastly improved quality of their displays will take front center stage in the plasma world, as other makers fall by the way... 
Plasma 42 inch ....
Coulndt let this one go by without comment. The Onyx series from Panasonic and the same sized other current Panasonics are all the same as far as glass electronics and power supply. There are not separate Onyx plasma plants! How funny. The differe... 
Plasma 42 inch ....
If you use your plasma in dim light the Panasonic still is tops. The Panny black levels still best the rest ( Fujitsu is the exception, but they use Panasonic Glass-Pixels). Our eyes are much better able to see differences in contrast levels than ... 
Need help making TV decision
After reading your thread carefully- I would offer that a commercial Panasonic Plasma 42 inch EDTV display may best fit your needs. It will be tops for standard DVDs, do HD TV well, and give you s decnt reult for Seinfeld etc you mention ( Standar... 
Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?
Wow. What a thread. My only comment is that when you watch the sound engineers mix the sound tracks- its done channel by channel for the most part. ( Lots of playback and reworking and balancing to be sure). But the information, from an audio stan... 
Subwoofer recommendation
Twice your budget- but the Axiom EP-500 might be a good choice. 
Decent reciever on a budget?
PL 2 is useful for two channel foreign films 
Affordable HT setup $800-$1400 HELP
A couple of thoughts;1. Perhaps you might visit ascendacoustics.com and look at their HT package set ups.2. I also happen to like the Atlantic technology system 1200 for ht, but I am not real big on the sub in that package.3. I thought the idea of... 
what' your favorite movie to show off your sys. w/
Video- NorthforkAudio- House of Flying Daggers Beans on Drums seen.Subs- Master and Commander 
HELP One pair for $2k Recommendations Please
Here ya go!1. Get the Soliloquy 5.3is for 950 used here on A-gonand2. The Axiom EP-500 subwoofer for 1150.That should mow the lawn quite nicely. 
Plasma owners any problems??
Actually you are referring to the glass, not the electronics. The only glass manufacturers for Plasma are Panasonic Pioneer, and Hitachi, as well as Samsung and perhaps LG. Pioneer is shutting down production lines for plasmas in 2006. The electro... 
Plasma owners any problems??
42 inch Panasonics start at 1500 US online authorized reseller so there isnt really a need to consider Maxent, Voire, LG, Benq etc. Unless you really want to try out an other name brand.I am not saying Panasonic is the best, second best whatever, ... 
Help me pick the right monitor
I'd also give a vote for auditioning the Green Mountain Callistos ( which I got to hear first hand at CES last year) as well as the Intuitive Design Summitts by Denali.I'd put these two choices ina different class than some of the other offerings ...