
Responses from schubert

Thoughts on VTA......
I have 6 "high end" matts for just that reason voice .Just stack 'em up ! 
What’s wrong with Diana Krall?
Her voice on PBS is her REAL voice , she simply is a joke as a singer.Her CD's are doctored to the nth degree and that is not her real voice . 
clearaudio turntables
FACT, the EURO is worth MORE than the US $ , Today only 14 % , usually higher ,Were the dollar not the world reserve it would be worth half of the Euro . 
Thiel Owners
As I am elderly and live in a condo I had to nix the deal when I found out they weighed over 100 lbs ! Sounded great though . 
What’s wrong with Diana Krall?
She was on PBS this weekend on an hour -long duo show with Tony Bennett .Even in 90's he still has a lot to give , she had nothing to give . 
Thiel Owners
Got a pr of 3.6 that look cherry on Cragslist at 1300 $ .Good deal , bad deal ? 
Cartridge recommendations
chakster , is correct but the suspension on a cartridge that old is likely to be stiff and you’d have to send it to Soundsmith or the like for a re-tipping .I’ve owned the Pickering and the 2 mblack . the former is better . 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Ralph Vaughan Williams , "Mass in G Minor "Kings  College , Cambridge The English Chamber Orchestra David Willcocks , conductingAngel S-36590 
What is the Best LP Cover Art for you Wall
A beige Nonesuch cover from the 60’s with nothing on it but a six- inch high replica of the flowing signature of one J.S. BACH . 
Warmer sounding Solid State
I've heard the expensive Marantz quite a bit , I would buy the 5K ones if they lowered the price to 500 bucks . 
Jazz for aficionados
Indeed frogman .My current nomination in that category is Jonas Kaufmann .Nobody agrees with me though . 
full-scale orchestral music—best test of speakers’ potential?
The point is you could have stopped after you first sentence . 
The transformative power of classical music - Benjamin Zander
Jazz for aficionados
   Re  Barbara , you don't necessarily have to have a good voice to be a good singer . Blossom D. proved that and did not even need to sing LOUD ! 
best interconnect at decent price
Audio Art cable out of San Diego, which  sells on here, has the least expensive cable available which just plain very good  leaving money out of it,  which makes it the best buy in audio ,