
Responses from schubert

Joseph Audio RM-33LE vs DeVore Gibbon 8, my experience.
That's because your favorite Rock  is not so much . 
Seeking information
Clear Day’s are very fine , used them a lot myself.BIG jump up from them were the Audio Art IC3-se and SC-5se which are very dynamic and far more harmonic which is the name of the game with acoustic music . 
What will a preamp do for me?
Superphon were very musical and one of the best values for the money ever made .They are very rare today and anyone you might find would need to be re-capped . 
Seeking information
Depends upon how you speakers sound now vs how you want them to sound and what kind of music you usually play . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
A great rendition of the Schumann Cello Concerto, which I love, is the du Pre/ Barenboim on various Angel/EMI LP’s . CD’s don’t do it justice IMO.My fav is AngelS-36642 because it’s paired with the Saint-Saens Cello Op.33 . One of du Pre’s most ch... 
My first Tube Amplifier
Scott 299 
Drink of choice for serious listening?
Serious listening is acoustic music and water is whats required . 
Jazz for aficionados
Thanks frogman .I've heard Elling live twice at the "Dakota" in Minneapolis .What really was noticeable was how much the musicians loved to play with him , just another instrumentalist . 
Jazz for aficionados
Schubert don't know a lot about jazz but my heart tells me this guy is the greatest of them all . 
Jazz for aficionados
Schubert White plays it like Luther sang it . 
Jazz for aficionados
Schubert, guy can sing a bit IMO . 
Can I use an isolation stand with an isolation pad?
That's why I found a condo on 1st floor which is 3 ft concerte roof of underground garage . 
The Cartridge and Stylus makes a big difference.
My Grado Black is playing Schubert's 9th Symphony just great on my 40 yearold Sony PX 6 as I type this . 
Rotel Turntable RP 9400 ....any opinions please
Not a bad middle of the road  direct-drive turntable that weighed about 20pounds , put a cheap Grado on the straight arm and set up well will sound good enough to keep .That Ortofon  was decent but is 40 years  old , a new 75$ Grado Black sounds b... 
Suggestions for Solo Violin Recordings