
Responses from shannere

Is Esoteric SA-10 sonically as good as DV-50 or 60
That "old Classe" may be better than you think. I owned a CDP 10 and started looking for a replacement when is showed signs of acting up and knowing that it would be hard to access transport parts as the Phillips unit in it is no longer made. I bo... 
Anyone heard the new Jupiter HT Beeswax caps 
Should I do this now or wait...
The advantages to biamping 
Sonic Frontiers and Classe XLR
I've owned both and they are wired the same. With regards to Mr Jmcgrogan I commend your brilliant suggestion 
Bryston 7bsst vs 28bsst?
Jim Tanner of Bryston has stated that the 28B run full power into 4 ohms will trip the circuit breakers in your home panel and they would have problems with Underwriters Labs if this figure were published. Going by the ratings of other Bryston amp... 
imput on bryston 4b sst 2
Well you do sound smug!! Doesn't everyone want their choice validated; why do most audiophiles invite friends over to listen. I have spent many hours listening to my friends new Bryston sst2 and it is a much better amp than his older ST, smoother ... 
Looking for used DAC for Squeezebox 700 $
I have used a Bel Canto DAC2 in a similar setup it has both optical and coax inputs (switchable) and has a very smooth sound. They are frequently on A'gon 
Classe ca 301 is the low end weak.
I am still using a CA301 with a CP 65 pre and never have found it lacking in bass. It has been used with smaller Northcreek Revelators and larger Vandersteen Quatros. It was tried at a friends house with Eggelston Andras where the bass performance... 
Bryston BP-25 BP25 or Classe 47.5?
i would have to concur having owned both Bryston and Classe preamps currently have a Classe CP 65. Found the Classe to be a little bit mellower and laid back and the Bryston to be slightly cooler and sharper. Both are excellent units and you will ... 
Old Classe pre-amps vs. new?
Yep the older DR series amps are nice but I don't think the sames holds for the preamps. The new series have the warmth to them and offer a lot better resolution on a wider variety of materials. Also owner the CA oo series amps and currentluy stil... 
Preamps with two pairs of balanced outs?
Classe CP 65 
Where can I find a RS1b bass driver?
Contact Watkins Stereo and Engineering the developer of many of the Infinity woofers they also do speaker repair 
bel canto vs classe amps
Hello Samuellaudio I am the guy you sold a Bel Canto S300 integrated to last year. I bought it for use in a second bedroom system. I also own Classe components in my main system CA301 CP 65 and CD10. Recently I had the Ca301 down for rebias readju... 
Tube Integrated - Narrowed down to 4 - Help pls
Don't forget that horn loaded Altec is also reflex loaded and they were made before Mr Thiele gave us any of his math equations to help tuning. In retrospect the Altec bass was supplanted with a TC 2000 in a small suspension with an extremely dead... 
Tube Integrated - Narrowed down to 4 - Help pls
I used a Cary SLI80 F1 for a while driving a vintage pair of Altec A7's and found it to be entirely adequate. My Altecs were 16 ohm and still there was enough power even in triode mode. The bass was strong but a slight bit "floppy" but I think thi...