
Responses from sonicdead

Power cable for Ayre QB9
Upgraded to DSD version for my QB-9 and I use Shunyata Black Mamba CX for power cable. Expanded sound stage initially with Black Mamba and expanded sound stage more with the upgrade. Recommend getting the upgrade on QB-9. 
Your Computer Based Transport Setup
Initially started with PC then switch to Apple. Macbook Pro>USB>Ayre QB-9 DAC>MF6I. Using Decible instead of ITunes. Firewire 800 from EHD to Macbook Pro. Really enjoy the setup and sound. Decible major step(s) above ITunes and can play F... 
How do you organize your LPs?
By genre alphabetized however 180-200g copies in separate category alphabetized 
Preamp with bypass/throughput
Have you heard of Musical Fidelity A5cr preamp with phone stage and home theater bypass with Dual mono design. Matched great with CJ MV60SE (tube) and 2 different Rotel SS amps (1080 200w and 2 bridged 980 amps 125w stereo and 300+w as bridged/mon... 
Can anyone explain cable risers?
Use cable elevators and mostly helps to keep dust bunnies from cables ( wood floors). Found them when helping a buddy tear down a wood shed after he bought resale home. No real sound improvement but less cleaning.