
Responses from stevemj

Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
Jade - What are the scientists supposed to "break through" to? I suggest that you replace all your electronics with stuff that was built by non-engineers and also that it uses principles discovered only by non-scientists. This way you can stay hom... 
PS Audio Ultimate outlet
I don't know why people dont like this outlet. I know that a common AB comparison mistake is to not have the volumns EXACTLY the same. Our ears are, of course, esential in determining what gear to use. Everyone, believers and non believers alike, ... 
Power Cord For Audio Research gear
Jaykapur - They do not and cannot act as filters. They can be shielded, this is true. However, you have shielding on you phono cables and the amount of radiation from line cords is nothing compared to the power amp's transformer. The whole house i... 
PS Audio Ultimate outlet
No money - I might be wrong on this but I think that lower octane fuel has a litte more energy per gallon. So, if your octane is high enough to avoid pre-ignition you get a tiny bit more performance with the cheap stuff.Listen, the only way an out... 
PS Audio Ultimate outlet
No money - The scope is for a speaker project, not just to test wire as suggested. I paid less for it than many here have in their line cords - God bless Ebay.Really, unless it has been run over by a truck, there is just nothing and outlet can do ... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Jostler - At the risk of tarnishing your reputation here, I was thinking that I wish I had written your last post. 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Would it mean anything to anyone here if I test speaker wire and see what happens? The test is simple. I have a dual trace scope on order. I will monitor the amp output on one trace and the speaker input on the other. I can display the difference.... 
PS Audio Ultimate outlet
No money - I don't know why. I am only claiming that it has nothing to do with the fidelity of the sound. The power from the wall gets hacked up by the rectifiers and dumped into the storage capacitors. The power supplies have a significant amount... 
PS Audio Ultimate outlet
Dekay - I'm tired of your personal attacks. I noticed in one of your posts you said "The cables are marked as to the direction of use". From this I can only assume that you do not know that audio signals are AC. Or worse, you know that audio is AC... 
PS Audio Ultimate outlet
Craig - My intention is to save you money. I am sticking to the most obvious hoaxes. Line cords, power distributors, outlets etc. aren't in the signal path and can't even theoretically have an effect. The psychological aspect is not something that... 
PS Audio Ultimate outlet
You cannot affect the sound of your gear by messing around with outlets or power cords. The fact that you think you can only proves how much of this business is psychological. 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Redkiwi - You seem to be saying that you and others prefer things that have demonstrably higher distortion. Maybe higher distortion lends a more "musical" quality for some listners. It's not all that farfetched. 
Chang lightspeed VS ESP powerdistributor
Guys, as I said the power amp is a source of power line voltage distortion and not a victum of it. A power amp distorts the line voltage by the very nature of its operation. If you had any idea how a power amp works you would not make these claims... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Trelja - See my post to tireguy. I am waiting on the delivery of the signal generator. 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
tireguy - I ordered the article, however, they are saying 3 to 4 weeks, ugh. I am, of course, naturally suspicious. I have never heard the term "dynamic suppression".I am gathering test gear for a speaker project I have in mind and I realized some...