
Responses from stevemj

Silver or copper cables?
Silver wire has about 10% lower resistance. If you were to go from 16 gauge silver to 14 gauge copper, the copper wire would have about 50% less resistance.The same is true going from 14 silver to 12 copper. 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
trelja - I would love to see your article. It must be very difficult these days to design HiFi amps and preamps when the very wire you use in them screws up the sound. Just think of all that wire in the voice coils and crossovers, its a wonder any... 
Silver or copper cables?
Fpeel - I'm sorry that what I am saying sounds so inflexible. I'm really not just trying to aggravate people. I like audiophiles and spent 10 years manufacturing products for them. I came here to buy some B&W speakers and just had to jump into... 
Silver or copper cables?
Fpeel - It wouldn't be enlightening. If I did the test and said salt water sounded just like copper, no one would believe me. If, however, I said it gave the sound a watery quality most people here would consider that it might be true. 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Jostler - I keep asking for science. If you know of some physical laws that say cables of the same size should sound different, apply the laws and show some numbers. I am all ears. 
Silver or copper cables?
Jandi - You fail to mention why one wire sounds better than another. Is it the unmeasurable difference in harmonic distortion? Is it the umeasurable difference in frequency response? Is it the unmeasurable difference in IM distortion? If I were to... 
Power Cord For Audio Research gear
Listen guys, you are just not thinking. The power cord, as far as the amp is concerned, is part of the house wiring. The house wiring is connected to the pole pig. From there it goes to the substation. From there it may go to directly to a dam or ... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
sean - Thank you for your post. I have a story to tell you. I once had a well know audio engineering friend that was designing an RIAA stage for his new preamp. The man is a very smart designer and dedicated audiophile. He is also skeptical of all... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Bob - Have you noticed that no one, including you, has provided even the tiniest amount of verifiable evidence that the speaker wire phenomenon is anything but psychological. 
Silver or copper cables?
cornfed - Name calling is not a persuasive form of argument. People resort to it when they have nothing valid to say. 
Power Cord For Audio Research gear
leaf - I will leave chastened and humbled if you will merely grace me and any other interested reader with your understanding of effect of power cords on the fidelity of amplifiers. I am particularly interested in hearing you explain the theory an... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Jim - LOL you are correct, of course. My neighbor is a shrink, however, and has expressed opinions to the contrary :-) 
Silver or copper cables?
Jcbtubes - You are essentually saying that even the manufactures have no explanation for the difference in sound quality of cables. I'm not suprised. These are probably some of the same manufactures that put arrows on their cables. By the way, you... 
Silver or copper cables?
marty - What differences did your measurements show? There are no laws of physics that say cables should sound different. That is my point. If you know of some tell me about them. What quantifiable differences do these laws predict? 
Power Cord For Audio Research gear
There is no conceivable way that a power cord can affect the sound of your amp. All it has to do is be big enough to handle the power. If someone disagrees with this ask them for a scientific explanation.