

Responses from talk2me

Review: CH Technologies X15 power cord Power cord
That would be CH Acoustics :) 
Review: Resolution Audio Cantata Music Center CD Player
As long as I still have the passion when I listen to recorded music, it does not matter if I "miss" a few notes. 
Wadia S7i direct to amp
I just bought a Great Northern Sound Statement Wadia S71 today. I plan to do a impartial test of the S7i direct into my Burmester 911 MK3, with my Concert Fidelity CF 080 LS/X preamp. Either way, as I look at it, I come out a winner.:) 
Is sooloos worth the money?
I think Choihifi is speaking in salesman talk. There is no way, no how the Sooloos can be used for critical listening. No way. It is a excellent background music for when one is gardening. 
Most expensive Audio disapoinment?
BAT 52Se. Why? Put it in a system comprising of JM Labs/Focal Alto Be's and McIntosh MCD500. Adding the 52SE did absolutly nothing, nada, zilch to further the musical experience. 
Audio Note M6 vs ARC Ref 3 Preamps...
I personally think An is clearing on a higher plane than AR. 
Anyone compared BAT Rex vs. Atmasphere MP-1?
Ralph- I just saw (for the first time) your MP-1, but with a stunning brushed alum. finish. IF you had that available 2 years ago, I would be a proud owner. Well, hopefully my next preamp. Impedance wise, is the MP-1 a good match for Burmester 911... 
Reimyo vs Audio Note 3.1X vs Lampizator DAC ?
WTF? Why did this thread die? Any news Sirotseta? I really want to believe in the Lampizator. I love the website and Lucasz seems like a awesome designer/person. 
Cary CPA-1 preamp...listening impressions?
Transnova:Thank-you for the info. I just bought the Cary CPA-1 mentioned. I am waiting for surgery and neede something to hols me over till I get back to work. I will be powering it with my Burmester 911 MK3. Sould be interesting! I figure if the ... 
Soulution 710 Amplifier and 720 Preamplifier
There is no best. There is better different though.:) 
Outstanding brands?
I heard Zanden and was not impressed.Not liquid enough like Burmester or dynamic as MBL.Of couse, only a true and honest audiohead would mention that there is no best. Everyone has different tastes. I do not like "polite" sound or sitting in the b... 
Outstanding brands?
If you equate great sound with emotion and passion, then Burmester is for you. 
Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player
Saying hi res downloads is the future is like saying fuel cell is the future for auto technology. Not in this life time, Bubba. How many main stream hi-res recrdings are there? Like 2? CD's are here to stay for a long time. And i agree with Waynek... 
Please help ... Burmester 007 vs 077 ....
Well, obviously you are a very smart and good looking person, otherwise why would you be asking about Burmester? Mathmatically, the 077 number is greater than 007, that should give you a clue. The 007 is a joke on James Bond movies:) 
Tube Research Labs Latest Dude Preamp
So, most of you guys are into "dudes"? :)