
Responses from tenmus

Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Dear RaulThe different test I am doing for three days are done with the RB 900 / shelter or DL 103 as the TP has been sended back and the problem with this tone arm ( RB 900) is still present. .However I can confirm it was still worse with the TP ... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
DougI have made the test with the Dl 103 on a lot of records and what I can say is that where the problem of vibration existed with the Shelter it is still worse with the DL 103 whatever is the VTF ( from 2,2 to 2,6g ) on it.I have really observed... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Hi again doug I have listen more carefully :For example with the NOCTURNES DE CHOPIN BY WEISSENBERG ( EMI ) , this impression of a piano with tremolo is almost always there , much much lighter than with the TP but always present above all when the... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Hi DougI have not found any decca 200g with stong attacks of piano or else.I have listen during one hour to different records with the Shelter / Rega and what I can confirm is that the problem is much lighter (x 10 )with this combination( a few se... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Doug1) The Tremolo appears not only but ESPECIALLY on the beginningof the side but it may also happens at the end or even sometime in the middle of it.It seems to me that the problems comes with certain modulations and that it is amplified where t... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Thank you DOGPILE for the suggestion.André 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Doug It happens (very audible ) with piano records and not during the entire side ( but almost every time at the beginning of each side) . When the sound of the note is going on after the attack it seems there is like a vibrato ( tremulous) in th... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
I had not this problem with my AUDIO NOTE IQ 3 before using the shelter .Unfortunately I cannot try it again as I have lost the screws to set it up.A friend will lend me a DL 103 so I can do the test...OK for QC ( good explanation!!! ) 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
HI dougI' am wondering too !!!! ( for the damage)Thank you for the precisions concerning the Shelter .I'll modifie the armboard to get it higher . However , now that I am using the REGA again with no special problems of height, I confirm that the ... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
HI Dogpile and DougFirst of all thank you VERY MUCH for your suggestions and PRECIOUS help.Doug.I cannot try right now what you advise to me because I had to send the TP back yesterday evening : the fine adjustment of azimut has been damaged by AN... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Hi dogpileIf you know the Triplanar can you tell me wich counterweight(s) I must use for a 9,5 g cartridge .They furnish 4 counterweights ( 1 big beveled and 3 smallers flats) . 
Verdier Graham and Shelter???
Hi BigbucksI have effectively finally bought a Tri planar that I 'am expecting now for the end of this week.However , can you tell me what cartridges suit the Ikeda 12" ?The Verdier has two armboards and perhaps someday...André 
Tri planar and shelter 901 and Verdier
HI everybodyThank you for your answers.DougNow it' s clear for me , I 'll check the position before drilling...I receive the tonearm at the end of this week , I'll certainly give you some news at this moment .Many thanks againAndré 
Tri planar and shelter 901 and Verdier
Sorry Dan I have made a confusion, my question was adressed to Doug.In fact I want precisions because It seemed to me that if the tonearm is mounted correctly on the arm board ( with the jig) wich Doug describes as the first step, the second step ... 
Tri planar and shelter 901 and Verdier
Thank you Dan and Doug for your answers.Dan I have a question for you: If the tone arm is mounted exactly at the good place with the jig ,isn't the pivot- to spindle distance automatically the good one?Does it mean that on the TriPlanar you can mo...