
Responses from tenmus

Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Dear Raul I have already tried this solution with my audionote MM IQ3 wich is the top MM cartridge at AudionoteOf course when my cartridge was worned and before beginning all this thread I had thought to go on either with HOMC or with a better MM ... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Doug Do you know what could be the consequences if matching an Airy 3 SILVER version with a COPPER SUT ? or the opposite?AndrĂ© 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
DougThanks for this usefull info.My Jadis JP 80 provides 48 dB , so it should work even with the 0,24 mV version wich seems the best choice according your review. 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Dear Doug I have contacted John Chapmann from Bent .I provided him the specifications of my preamp to know if the standard ratio 1:10 for gain is correct with both airy versions ( 0,24 and 0,48mV). In his opinion it is enough. I would be pleased ... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Hi doug I don't know exactly the gain value so I have send a mail to Audio note and I expect an answer.What I can tell you is that the level was perfectly correct with the Shelter wich is 0,5 mV and much lower with A DL 103 wich is only 0,30 mV .I... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Dear DOUGMy SUT is actually an Audio Note ANS2 with two positions :20 ohms and 80 ohms Considering only the technical facts could you tell me wich output voltage would match the best with my actual SUT if I CHOOSE AN AIRY 3 X SB.Considering musica... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Hi Raul and DougOne Friend of mine who owns a T3 F Goldmund and a Goldmund Reference TT tells me that with LINEAR tonearm the cartridge can last five times more than with a pivoted tone arm ; is it true ?Sonically did you hear the differences betw... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Hi Doug Thank you for all the infos.Could you just tell me if I' m not wrong: The ideal impedance for the SUT with both AIRY 3 and UNIverse is 6,6 ohm with 0,24 output version ?(Would it be 13,2 ohm with the 0,48 mV version?)How is it possible to ... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Hi DougRead your rewiews ...It makes me dreamingHowever could you answer those basics questions:In your opinion how many hours before retipping a cartridge ?How much does it cost for an AIRY 3 and for a UNIverse?Do you still use your SUT Bent AUDI... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
DOUGYou are completly right , the best solution is to try every equipment in your own system before buying. Unfortunately that's quite impossible in France with all what concerns the Vinyl equipment: turntables ,cartridges, tonearms , step up or H... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Bonjour Doug and RaulRaulTO BE MORE PRECISE I should say 99% of my records are correct. Some of my Lp ( most of them are second handed) have a succession of tiny waves certainly due to warmth or bad stockage or both.On these records of course the ... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Hi Doug and Raul At last I have received my new TP for two days. Every thing looks OK .Doug. Your advice about CW works perfectly ...still just some problems with bad records but 90 % of my collection are listenable. Could you please tell me what ... 
choosing a Step up or an head amp for a shelter901
Hi Sdcampbell It seems to me that this thread is not very succesfull .Anyway , thanks for your answer.AndrĂ© 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
HI doug and RaulI have a new element:I have found two screws to set up the AUDIO NOTE IQ 3 again with the rega turtable and the rega tonearmI finally can also hear that the sound is no as straight than I thought before. It is MUCH MUCH lighter tha... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Hi DOUG HI RAULI completly agree about the idea that the TP increases the problem because of its performance rather than because of any damage on it (we will see this next week).Doug : thanks for the Teres motors idea ( I have soon sended an E- ma...