
Responses from yping

Why Rhodium?
Rhodium is a poor to average conductor, only about 35%IACS which is only a little bit better than Brass. It is very tough, hard wearing, and has a very smooth and shinny finish, almost like a chrome finish.Like all cable designs it would appear th... 
Can I use 3 pin DMX cables instead of XLR?
XLR connectors are 110r but the cable may be 75r. 
Fake XLO cables from China
So, how do you know if you have the real XLO? 
Silly prices for Nordost cables
Sounds like a whinge session to me.  If you can't afford them then just buy something else.  They do not have a monopoly on market or are you saying they do?    
Silly prices for Nordost cables
If you can't afford Nordost cables then just buy something else.  Then you won't need to post a thread like this one. 
Digital coax cable, real world experiences?
The best digital spdif that I have used is the KLEI gZero3D.  It has a wonderfully balanced musical and organic presentation that I like very much. 
Denafrips Terminator R2R Multibit, ultimate pcm redbook converter??
Looks interesting.   Have you listened to it? 
Shunyata KING COBRA VX V1 `i` - thoughts on this power cord
The industry seems to have definitely gone lean and ultra detailed, and unfortunately the harmonic texture or organic character of music seems to have disappeared or become lean, also. I would not describe presentation as neutral but as fast to ul... 
Power Cord Recommendation
The power cable I use and like very much is KLEI gPower3 AC power cable.   I find the resulting sonics to be very natural, real, resolved, and it has made my listening experience even more very enjoyable.   
Gungnir sound before and after multi-bit upgrade?
I have heard the ps audio junior dac described as quite dry sounding although very detailed...  
Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?
Sounds like digital, spdif, and 16/44 are not dead yet and the price vs performance value is also getting better, quickly.  Does it beat the schiit gungir multibit Gumby? 
Need FLEXIBLE Power Cord .
I like and would suggest this one, KLEI gPower2 AC power cable, or this one, KLEI gPower3 AC power cable 
Anticables: Scam?
There is no scam, simple as that. Don’t like the cables or the price then don’t use them but it’s about time all these malicious posts stopped, simple as that. 
interconnects vs speaker cables vs power cords - which make the biggest difference?
Perhaps/Maybe, depending on system components... 1) Power cords (NO conditioner and/or station)2) Interconnects3) Speaker cables or 1) Power cords (NO conditioner and/or station ) 2) Speaker cables 3) Interconnectsbut they all make differences eve... 
100 - 125.00 RCA, and coax recommendations please
audioanomoly1, I would call the KLEI gZero2 ICs a real and genuine Hi-End interconnect and is a lovely sounding and performing interconnect. The models above them are even better. The KLEI gZero1 ICs are exceptional value for money and might be al...