Amplifier suggestions for home theater

Hi all,

I have a Fosgate FAP-T1 processor feeding three Rotel amplifers...RMB-990, RMB-980, RMB-100. The 990 is front L&R, the 980 is surrounds, RMB-100 feeds the center channel. Speakers are Vandersteen 2CE signatures for the front L&R with Vandersteen 2w subs(a pair with the 2CE's), Vandersteen VCC-1 Center, Vandersteen VSM-1s for the surrounds. Also have Vandersteen V2W for the LFE channel. I would like to upgrade to an amplifier to drive the front speakers. I don't know if I should try getting a uses 3 channel amp or a Five channel and sell off the other amps. I listen about 50% music and 50% movies. I would like a very musical sounding amplifier and budget is about $1500.

I don't know if getting a stereo amp will blend in well with the other amps...especially the that is my situation...I would appreciate any and all suggestions..

Thanks, Phasor

Showing 5 responses by phasor

Thanks for the response...Do you have a model number? Do you know if these will be a good match with the Vandersteens?

Thanks, Phasor
Thanks for all the suggestions...I will check out Sherbourn. One of the dealers I frequent has been raving about the Fosgate Audionics 1000.5 amp. It is a five channel modular amp. He doesn't have one in stock so I can't give it a listen. Does anyone here have any experience with this amp. I will have to go to Denver (about a 90 minute drive) to hear the Sherbourn amp. So I will plan accordingly.

Keep the suggestions coming...

Thanks, Phasor
Thanks Wdi,

My first inclination was to get a better stereo amp for the front L&R speakers...and that is still an option...I will keep doing my research and try and get some amps to listen to in my system...The five channel would tidy my rack up...but that is a secondary consideration, as the quality of sound is my primary focus.

Thanks for the info...I still would like to hear from someone that has tried the Fosgate 1000.5 amp
