Anyone own a Pioneer Exclusive P3 ??

wondering if any one has heard one and how competitive it is to today's 10k tables

Showing 13 responses by downunder

Nah, pulled out unfortunately

Due to the $AUS being in the toilet, what was a good deal 3 months ago, was just a bit risky at this time.

I am looking at buying some cheaper tables to play with locally as my 2nd/3rd tables.
Yamaha Px-3 and/or Micro Seiki DL-91L

Both these seem top be reasonable tables for not so much money. Not competing with any 10K tables thou I would guess :-)

the 10k was only a reference point that I wanted to convey. ie Is the P3 competitive with the top % of tables available these days, not a rega 3.

me, I still luv the look of the P3.

Well I managed to pick up an Exclusive P3 and have been playing it for just over a week now.

Built like a tank, looks gorgeous and has great in built isolation. What a great table period and I am a very happy chappy.

Obviously early days, but I feel I now have two ref tables (for me) that sound different enough that I can play any of my records and be truely happy with the sound.

Both the Raven AC-3 and P3 sound absolutely sublime with the amazing new Ortofon MC A90 cart.
Hi Lewn, Siniyl - thanks

Yes I do have a P10 as well, however I had the opportunity to get the P3 and could not pass it up.

I am not that concerned about P3 or p3a as they are almost the same. s/n ratio is the same. Only difference was in 1980 was the way Japanese measure changed giving all the tables a boost in the measured s/n ratio specs
thnx Jasper, you still kill me on idler tables thou:-)


If you read the vintage knob link at the beginning, it has been updated to include the diffences between the P3 & p3a - they only real audible changes according to the Pioneer techs was a change to the arm wand & phono cable.

I will be very interested in your take of SP10Mk2 v Mk3.
Congrats Jwabrie

The damping has a big bearing on the overall sound, so like T-bone said, experiment after you become familar with the sound.

IMO the Exclusive P3 is as good as anything out there. I am sure you will enjoy it for many years.

I use this Kashimura transformer in the link. It is good for 300 watts for 120volts and 200 watts for 240 volts. This is the largest power rating stepdown until you get to those big heavy ugly step downs.

I use one each for my P3 and P10. Completely silent and has worked perfectly.

T-Bone, are you saying if I buy one of those big heavy ugly transformers (see link) and maybe noisy my P3 will sound even better :-) ??

That is great news,

but remember its not a contest,(we can leave that to the current tables) - but rather a celebration of 30+ year old tables that can literally compete with the best of the current production.

Personally the industrial look of the Kenwood leaves me cold - but I am sure it sounds great.

I am not sure the P3 needs any RF shield - it is silent as is, but I'll try anything once.

Can you give us a link for the RF/EMI shield - I assume you just cut it into circle and place on the platter? how thick is it? Do you put it between the platter and rubber mat??

me, I am very tempted to get a Garrard 401 so I can hear the "idler" sound.

Hi Gents

The difference between P3 & P3a is the slightly upgraded tonearm. The plinth/motor unit sound the same according to Pioneer technicians. as mentioned in vintage knob, the changes in s/n ratio was new measurements, not better table.

as Jwfabrie mentioned, Pioneer Japan do the service on any Exclusive product for life. My P3 was serviced, but generally the main issues are damping fluid in the inside of the tonearm, so they generally do a dismantle and clean.
My P10 had no service, however it has worked flawlessly sine I received it, so it may be no big deal.

Maybe T-bone can comment on caps etc, but remember the P3 was the best table pioneer could make, so it is way over engineered.
Hi Sonofjim.

Differences between the P3 and P10. Control, continousness and excecution in reporducing music. The P3 has the best bass control that I have heard from a table, in that it seems to be able to start and stop notes so fast it appears continous in doing it. This frees up musical detail and freedom overhang in the mid range. top to bottom coherence is uncanny.

The P10 has that simlar family sound, but just a bit looser all round. Still a really nice table.

TW AC-3. Bigger/looser bass v the DD's. has a larger soundstage both wide and deep v the P3. In direct comparison can sound a little soft or notes not as precise. background is a little dark v the P3. OTOH The AC-3 is more forgiving and does add some nice bass weight and spread on brighter/tighter recordings which does come in handy with some of my modern/rock alternative LP's.

Which one do I play more - I would probably say the table that has the Ortofon A90 on it.

If I had a gun to my head to choose only one table, it would be the P3. having all of the tables is great fun thou.

Congrats Voraratc, wonderful table

I have the P3 manual if you want it - In Japanese :-) The P3A is functionally the same table with slightly different tonearm - mainly in the arm wand.

The only difficult thing about the table is the damping fluid that goes into the top of the tonearm moat. Inject it through a plastic syringe up to the line on the inside.

Hi Robert

Pioneer service all Exclusive products themselves. Part of their policy when they introduced the top of range brand in Japan was to provide lifetime servicing - you pay for it now obviously, but it was quite reasonable cost.

The tonearm is generally what required most/all of the servicing, mainly due to the damping fluid sometimes getting into the arm due to not filling or emptying the damping cup correctly. Touch wood, most else is bulletproof.

I had mine serviced by Pioneer before it was shipped to Australia, however I had a friend who was living in Japan at the time that picked up the table and drove it to Pioneer for the service before shipping it to me.

I am not sure if your seller in Japan can and is willing to do that. If you buy from a shop like hifido, they will do that for you I believe.

good luck and let us know if/ when you get it.