Anyone own a Pioneer Exclusive P3 ??

wondering if any one has heard one and how competitive it is to today's 10k tables
Congrats, Downunder. I thought you had settled on, or settled for, a P10. I've now got a Kenwood L07D and an SP10 Mk3, neither of which are yet in service. But can a P3 be far behind?
Kenwood L-07D and Exclusive P-3(a) are the best integrated turntable systems from big Japanese companies. I will love to hear another owner comparison. I own L-07D and very happy with it.
Hi Lewn, Siniyl - thanks

Yes I do have a P10 as well, however I had the opportunity to get the P3 and could not pass it up.

I am not that concerned about P3 or p3a as they are almost the same. s/n ratio is the same. Only difference was in 1980 was the way Japanese measure changed giving all the tables a boost in the measured s/n ratio specs
Downunder, What you say seems to be true. In ca 1980 the standard for measuring S/N ratio changed, to give everyone bigger numbers to brag on. I think then Exclusive re-defined the P3 to P3a with maybe some minor changes, if any changes at all. No one seems to know for sure just what changes would have been made at that time.

Personally, I wonder whether one CAN have too many great turntables, and I feel that I am testing the hypothesis.