Audiophile Music Cd's besides Baby Einstein?

I am looking for some reccommendations of Audiophile Quality Baby Classical CD's I'm not into classical but would like to get my new boy Listening. I have the baby einstein collection. The sound quality is fair. Any titles I should get for my Baby boy? (He's only 13 days old Daddy needs a reason to take him to the sound room. :)

Showing 1 response by dawgfish

Congratulations on your new addition -- even better than a new pre-amp! :-)

I don't have a recommendation on a specific recording, but our daughter always loved Saint-Saens "Carnival of the Animals" when she was young. Another great primer for young people to gain appreciation of classical music is the soundtrack to "Fantasia" (and it's not a bad recording either). Someday he can watch the movie with you, too.

Have fun.