Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ melkior, Are you there?, Whats going on with your system set up now?, cheers!
@Hello Audiolabyrinth :-)

Everything is Ok with the CD5 :-) I'm still not happy with the XLR output which causes ground noise, even with high input impedance amps, I'm quite sure there's something wrong with these outputs (like if the ground was not connected). But now I use the small SPL Volume2 as a volume control through XLR and it's works perfectly between CD5 and power amps.

I've installed on my MacBook Pro the plugin IK ARC2 to correct the acoustic of my room, it works quite well even if it's something light, I realized that the sound was quite a bit laid back because of my room, now it's just in front of the speakers, just perfect.

So I wonder if I'm not going to something more powerfull in terms of settings, a dbx for instance.
@ calvinj, I would recommend a pair of Taralabs Air 1 Ex if you are buying new, If you are buying used, The Air1 series2 cables, they are warm and revealing at the same time!, I recommended the used ones to two members and they love them, their member names are Waxwaves and Grey9hound, you can e-mail them or get on the thread, The one versus the 0.8 forum, you are most welcome to join our discussions we have daily!, BTW, pops and jmcgrogan2 are two othe members that bought into Taralabs and like them as well after consulting with me, cheers!
@ melkior, That sounds awsome!, You will need to show me the, what works and does not work with the usb on the Ayon, I have not gave that a spinn yet!, I have been useing the player as a cd-player to good effect!, I am going to tune the player from under neath it sometime this summer!, Right now, I am sending my Krell 700cx amp to krell to be renewed completly, should last 25 years after that, Its only 8 years old!, but what the hell, all new caps etc... should sound even better when that comes back, It will cost a pretty penny for sure!