Best 3 tube preamps under $18000?

I will be pleased to know your opinion, about which can be the 3 best tube preamplifiers, with a price, NEW, under $18.000. I want to use them with SS amplifiers.

So many wonderful choices! I believe whatever option you exercise, considering the responses in this thread, will deliver great sonic satisfaction...BAT conveys the experience for me :-)

Hi Emigene. I have not heard the Marriane 300 version, though I think HP just gave it a rave review - for what that is worth. It might be somewhat system dependent, as one would expect, but with Merlin speakers, I like the performance of the Joule very much. Since you have tried the Bent, I would say you have given passives their best shot, and they are not for everyone.
I have been to a private audition where the Veloce LS1 was put through it's paces in a very good room and rig with Magico M5's & MBL 9011 mono's. It was compared to the EAR 912 preamplifier (that had been tube rolled) and another preamp (can't remember name) that was more expensive. The Veloce was the best one, 2nd was the EAR but the differences was clearly heard. The veloce had Bigger soundstage, tighter separation, quicker and less veil.

I'm not a fan of the looks of the veloce but it's was beautiful to listen to and the remote worked well.
No discusions here:
