Best Standard Def DVD Player under $8,000 used?

I am looking for the best possible Standard Def DVD player
that is BLACK. I have a Krell DVD Showcase now and it's
great but I am wondering if there is better to be had for
under $8,000 used.

I would like to hear opinions/comparisons of the video
quality for:

Krell DVD Standard
Linn Unidisk 1.1
Meridian G98
Denon 5910CI

Tom, my apologies. You are right and the Denon 5910CI is an awesome universal DVD player. I own it and it's is simply the best there is. Absolutely incredible in my HT. Blu-Ray Shmu-Ray - it's slow and the discs are not cheap. Remember when everyone went from LPs to CD, tubes to SS, mono to stereo to multi-channel. Now they are all back to the tried and true technologies/topologies.

So yeah, like I said earlier. I will sell you my used Denon 5910CI for only $7000 - a $1000 savings for you! It is black and will be in the original box. I will throw in a good cable with it at no extra charge, too.

Don't listen to these guys, they are all leaping without looking where they will land. They will be sorry in 20 or 30 years. DVD we know and love: it works and works great with the right system and my Denon is the best, really, THE BEST.

Please PM me ASAP and let's get this deal wrapped up. When were done, come on over to my place and we'll watch home movies on my Super8 setup. If only DVDs could look this good!


"Remember when everyone went from LPs to CD, tubes to SS, mono to stereo to multi-channel. Now they are all back to the tried and true technologies/topologies."

Yeah, that's not exactly the same situation here. Analogy is bad here, I think. You're talking apples n oranges. The progression from Analog movie sources - namely Beta/VHS (ok, Beta stomped VHS) and Laser to DVD, then from DVD to HD/Blue-ray has been nothing but a progressive improvement in every area, video-wise. It's also been a steady improvement, for the most, in the video sound quality as well.
Your point is better made with a down swing in sound quality from old analog source to poorly processed digital for some time, until the advent of SACD. Now, we're back to MP3's and poor sound from the masses, on the ipod front.
I don't think you can say anything accept we've been making better and better video strides since the beginning.
That's all I'm tryin to say...
Tom, Danmyers is taking advantage of your naivety. I own Denons 3930ci and 5900. I will sell you both for $5000. They are the perfect complement to each other -- the 3930ci which basically is the same as the 5910ci, has problems outputting video, but the sacd and dvd audio sound is luscious, and the 5900 has a sdi output and the picture is to die for, but has problems outputting sacd and dvd audio. Please use paypal and I won't charge the 3% tariff.

Otherwise, I have several non-Circuit City dvd players that I can mark up to $7500 and they are used. Such a deal!